[SOLVED] Red light in motherboard for cpu

May 18, 2020

i just bought a pc and i wanted to try building it myself it took me a long time to do it but when i turned it on the mobo showed red light for cpu

my build
Ryzen 3700X
Asrock x570 extreme4
G.skill 2x8 3600
msi 2080 super
Seagate 2TB
and SSD samsung 840 evo
powersupply is evga G2 850 watt
the hard drives and psu i took them from my old pc

i tried changing the cpu cable and nothing changed ( 8 pin )
is there anyway to solve this?

also im sorry if i wrote the question in the wrong forum i didn't know if i should write it here or in CPU forum.
Try reseating the CPU and checking for bent pins. Also try reseating your ram and trying with one stick
i don't if i should ask this here or not but im facing another problem with ram (its not considered big problem)
the RAM is stuck at 2133MHz even though i enabled the xmp and still at 2133MHz

edit: nvm, i changed it from A1-B1 to A2-B2 and it worked
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