Red Migrating Pixels on Laptop Screen


Mar 26, 2006
Hi, Ive been having a problem with my laptop (HP Pavilion ze4400) for some time now.
At least every other day, red pixels apear on the screen highlighting certain lighting patterns in images and video (ex. parts of an explosion). Since they move to highlight the areas as they change, they are not dead pixels but Im not sure what to do about them.
They can be very distracting while trying to watch a movie or animation, they even appear on the tool bars in windows.
However thay do go away eventually, though it doesnt seem to have anything to do with load or heat (ive had it happen durring those conditions but ive also had it not happen durring the exact same contitions).

My best guess at this point is that my graphics card is craping out. Since this is an HP laptop there isnt really a way to get it replaced if that is the problem (and no its not under warranty anymore).

My question at this point is, am I right, is my video card dying? Has anyone ever heard of or experienced this before and is there any solution or even a partial fix?

Thanks for your time. ^^


Jul 13, 2009
i have the same problem except for mine when i move my screen they can often go away or get worse, if you have the same problem as me, i think its a connection problem.


Jun 4, 2006
I don't use laptops much, but I had a very similar problem with one of my old systems. I would randomly get red pixels that sort of seemed broken, but like you said, they would change position.
Long story short, my video cards were crapping out, and that would be my guess for your case too.

In any case, you can be pretty certain that it's a graphics card/rendering issue since you said it's concentrated in lighting patterns etc.