Planning a new rig at the moment, but the total of all of the parts I want ended up being... a little more than I would like it to be. As a result, I am looking to save money wherever possible. One potential saving opportunity I've found is with the PSU. I'm looking for an 850w PSU, and Amazon currently has refurbished Corsair TX850M PSUs avaialble for $49.99, whereas a new TX850m would run me around $99.99. I'm bothered by something, though; doesn't this seem a little too good to be true? Even if it's a refurbished product, doesn't half the price of a new model seem a little off? Corsair promises a one year warranty for all refurbished products, but that warranty would be rather meaningless if the PSU was faulty and toasted my entire system. At the same time, the money I'd be saving money is too enticing to ignore. What do you guys think? Is this a risk worth taking?