registered DIMMs



I've just bought an Asus A7V and an AMD Tbird 800, and have a 512mg PC100 DIMM by SEC (has an IBM sticker on it, too), which is unbuffered, and 3.3v. I've also been told that the DIMM is registered, which the manual for the board says that it does not support.

Does this mean, DO NOT put registered DIMM into the A7V, or does it mean, it'll work fine, but won't take advantage of the registering capability, or does it mean, it may work, but poorly (i.e. wasting clock cycles, unreliable, or some such)?

Also, is there any advantage to running the system bus at 100mhz when you have UDMA/100, or is it just always best to go with the fat pipe (PC133)?

And what is the story with SPD (Serial Presence Detect) DIMMs? Asus recommends them as best case for the board, but I don't know if that's anything special, or just the way most or all SDRAM DIMMs come.

Sorry if these should be separate posts. I've a file cabinet in my head, but it has no folders.


Dec 31, 2007
You'll get the best performance for best specs on all components.

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