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depends on your CPU. what is it?

but to be quite frank any PSU that cannot provide ~80% of its wattage on the 12 volt rail is pretty much a fail . . . so 12*19=228/.8 makes that a 285 watt PSU.
Does it have more then one 12 volt rail? I have a 300 watt with 22amps across 2 rails. Runs a GTX 650 ti just fine.

On that note. Older power supplies delivered a larger percentage of the total power to the 5 and 3.3 volt rails. While newer ones deliver much more to the 12 volt rail(s)[80-90%, while this has nothing to do with 80+ as 80+ is just an efficiency standard] and in fact use DC-DC conversion to get the 5 and 3.3 volt rails.

This gives a power supply that can provide a decent amount of 5/3.3(not that too much of it is used any more) and LOTS of 12 volt power.

thats a 100 watts, the 650 will use around 60 watts. add 5 watts for a hard drive, 15 watts for the motherbaord chipset and 4 watts for each stick of RAM

you would be cutting it very very VERY close . . . can you get this?
CORSAIR Builder Series CX430 $39.99
$19.99 after $20.00 rebate card

yes i know the total wattage is lower but the 12 volt "rail" where you need the power is higher @ 32A.

whoa! good question!

edit: this the label 🙁

well there are a few options:

1) get the 650 w/o getting another PSU and see if it works. if it doesn't, your PSU will fail and you may take out the whole rig with it.

2) get the CX430 for $39.99 then use the $20 rebate when/if you get it to buy the 650 for $79.99 and stay in the budget.

3) beg/borrow find somehow to get another $20 to buy everything for $120

4) or get a 7750 for $89.99
PowerColor AX7750 1GBK3-H Radeon HD 7750 1GB $89.99
it uses ~20 watts less and will work with your PSU and equal to a 650's performance.

i wish i could give you the best answer out of those, but that is up to you.