Removing commercials


May 27, 2006

I am sure there are answers to this question already posted here somewhere, but my eyes are starting to hurt looking for it.

I am looking for free or inexpensive software to convert MCE files (dvr-ms I believe) to DVD and remove commercials. I do not need one program to do this I can get several I do not care. And I do not need it to do anything else. All I want to do is free up space on my HD. I know dvr-ms files can be copyright protected. I am not looking to break any laws here, I do not want to sell these DVDs. I just want to get the thirty some episodes of the Daily Show, Colbert Report, and Attack of the Show off my HD.
i don't know what dvr-ms is. never saw. sorry.
i can only recommend a software for editing
presentavid (link)
it can delete frames and burn dvd automatically to watch on a dvd player and publish outputs in different popular formats (avi, wmv, mpeg, even flash (swf/flv) and gif)
Hey Wrick,

New to the forum. hopefully you come back. I've got two programs that I use to trim down those nasty dvr-ms files.

1. DVRMSToolbox:

Use this program to convert your dvr-ms files to mpegs. The size will remain the same.

2. VirtualDub 1.6.15:

Use this program to cut out the comercials and compress the file size down.

In fact here is a nice guide from that explains how to convert dvr-ms xvid:

This is pretty much what I do with tv shows to get them from 2-3 gigs down to 150-200 megs. I don't believe converting your recorded shows another format is illegal - so don't sweat it. Also, both programs are free.

Oh, dvr-ms is the extension of a Microsoft MCE TV recording.



I hope linking to another forum in okay. If not please let me know.
I have sort of given up on this issue for a while. I have a 350Gb HD so I have planty of room. I just used the ATI coverter to convert all of the DVRMS files I had, about 130Gb worth, to avi files. So, now they are a little smaller. Sooner or later I will still have to edit them and put them on DVD though.