Replace or Add Another GPU?


Mar 29, 2012
It's been a little over a year since my first build and everything is working great. Next gen games are starting to release and I'm ready to upgrade my graphics processing power.

Should I add an identical card (AMD Crossfire) or get a new (NVIDIA) card altogether?
2x HD 7850: or 1x GTX 770:

I have plenty of RAM, but I'm not sure if my PSU will supply enough power. I have a 520W unit powering an SSD, an HDD (plan on adding another), a DVD burner and pretty much every USB 2.0 port is being used. Will I need a new PSU if I add another card or upgrade?

Any/all input will be appreciated! Thanks for the read...

Adding a second 7850 will be a very good solution and value for the money, but I would suggest replacing the GPU and sticking with single card. It'll be less power hungry, produce less heat, and less to go wrong(literally). The GTX 770 is a great card, but the R9 280X is pretty much on par, and could potentially be much better as games start using Mantle API in the near future, take BF4, for example.

But if you're willing to wait a few months and spend a bit more money, the R9 290 is undeniably the best value for the money at $399. You'll just have to wait and see what aftermarket versions will be available, because the current reference cards are too hot and too loud.
Adding a second 7850 will be a very good solution and value for the money, but I would suggest replacing the GPU and sticking with single card. It'll be less power hungry, produce less heat, and less to go wrong(literally). The GTX 770 is a great card, but the R9 280X is pretty much on par, and could potentially be much better as games start using Mantle API in the near future, take BF4, for example.

But if you're willing to wait a few months and spend a bit more money, the R9 290 is undeniably the best value for the money at $399. You'll just have to wait and see what aftermarket versions will be available, because the current reference cards are too hot and too loud.
Great answers. I just saw reviews for the R9 290 today, I can definitely wait. Thanks for the responses!

Would it be worth waiting for Nvidia to release a competitively priced card? I would like to steer clear of AMD if possible for this buy.
I don't know if Nvidia will lower the prices any further in the near future, but the GTX 800 series cards should be due out in first quarter 2014. That's what I'm waiting for. It will be a new architecture, and I think there's potential for some really good GPUs.