Replacing SCSI boot disk with IDE



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system (More info?)

I Gateway 6400 server with Windows 2k server & Active Directory installed on a 2 gig partition of a 9 gig SCSI drive. I want to image the drive to a 10 gig partiton of an 80 gig IDE drive. I can Ghost the image no problem, but when I try to boot to the IDE drive I get an error of No OS. I Fdisk /mbr to reset the Master Boot Record but still no IDE boot. I was told that when the OS is installed on a SCSI drive it remembers that controller and cannot be switched to IDE. Is this true? Or can I change someting manually?


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system (More info?)

"D Johnson" <> wrote in message
> I Gateway 6400 server with Windows 2k server & Active Directory installed
> on a 2 gig partition of a 9 gig SCSI drive. I want to image the drive to a
> 10 gig partiton of an 80 gig IDE drive. I can Ghost the image no problem,
> but when I try to boot to the IDE drive I get an error of No OS. I
> Fdisk /mbr to reset the Master Boot Record but still no IDE boot. I was
> told that when the OS is installed on a SCSI drive it remembers that
> controller and cannot be switched to IDE. Is this true? Or can I change
> someting manually?

Boot from the CD, run the recovery console, and run fixmbr and fixboot to
set up the boot sector.

What does your boot.ini look like?

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
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