[citation][nom]Tomfreak[/nom]cut the mega million marketing budget, stop selling game @ $50-$60. Sell @ $5-$20. Low Price is the only way to stop pirate, no other way. Always online game is gonna make people play casual free game. Free games are good enough these days, no reason to pay an always online game only to get Error 37.[/citation]
Reality is that you will not get a AAA title on a B level budget. If you want the best possible graphics and AI, that's going to take a large team. The days when you could make a top tier game on a team of 10 people are gone. This is where the consumer has set the bar for the industry. If on the other hand you're satisfied with graphics 3 generations old and gameplay as complicated as Tetris, feel free to stick to mobile and free games and pay less. Do not however pirate high cost games and try to justify it as "it costs too much". Stick with your cost range and play in the trash. You don't get to eat steak on a hamburger budget.
[citation][nom]ct1615[/nom]as an older gamer and someone who actually pays for all his games, anything that screws with thieves (they are not pirates but thieves) is fine by me.[/citation]
At the same time though, DRM does not screw with thieves and is not the way to prevent piracy. Pirates get around DRM and legit players are forced to pirate to get past the restriction. This is not the way to solve the problem.
[citation][nom]nukemaster[/nom]I see your side here, BUT you can pirate console games just as easy.I guess you have not seen it much, but almost EVERYONE(and most BUY games on Steam for PC) I know with a console pirates games for it. Wii was just about as easy as it comes for pirating[All games copied to an external drive]. Nintendo DS(i) just needs R4 type cards. 360 + PS3 + PSP have plenty of mods as well making for easy pirating(First PSP can be modded by loading a damn image file ). Older systems PS1 + PS2 had swapdisc to allow burned games to play just fine. Dreamcast games could just be burned to a DVD This is no different then PC. [/citation]
Alright, here's the thing about that. PC games were easily pirated without any modding practically from the start. It has always been a problem for PC gaming. It has only recently become an issue for console gaming. The original method of console piracy was emulation, which required a PC to begin with. Mods also allowed piracy, but didn't become useful until systems started using common media. Even then a hard mod can be complicated or costly for the average console user. The piracy scene is a threat to console games now, but it has always been a threat to PC gaming.
Oh, right. This article isn't really about piracy. Yeah, online only isn't good for the player. It's a reduction of possibilities. If you want to have a Co Op focused game, great. But don't FORCE the player to play a Co Op game. Games should have options to allow the player to play how they want. Online only tells your consumer base that people who want LAN, don't have a good connection, or simply prefer to play without other people are not welcome to your game. Online only reduces the audience for your product, which is foolish marketing.
Honestly though, gamers only have themselves to thank for this. D3 sold well, so that translates to corporate types that online only and RMAH were great ideas. They only think in sales figures and statistics. If gamers want this to stop, they have to STOP buying into these games. If people don't buy it, they won't sell it.