If I had a curved phone, I would be worried about cracking it by crushing it between two relatively flat surfaces. Unnecessary curvy devices annoy me since they do not stack or pack very well/safely/efficiently.
NOOOO. I have been using iPhones because of the smaller screens and powerful hardware. God I am getting tired of the huge phones seriously. I remember a time when we made fun of the iPad saying it was just a big ass iphone. Now look at use with 4.7 in phone everywhere.
I do not like having hard buttons right on the screen which eats up screen real estate. So if they get rid of them and full the screen all the way to the bottom it can make the phone a little bit smaller.
I look forward to the day when the screen is boarderless.
I'm not sure what advantages there are to a curved screen anyhow. If someone can think of something, please enlighten me.
Fo hype for sure.
It's a curved phone. OMG!!!
Me : What does it do?
It's a curved phone.
Me : Yah I Know, what does it do?
It's a curved phone.
Me : Never mind then.
REPORT: next iphone will be made of unicorn horns! 🙂
Nah, pegasus feathers - if the phone can fly, people won't need to carry it or worry about dropping it. No need to worry about the size and weight quite as much either!
NOOOO. I have been using iPhones because of the smaller screens and powerful hardware. God I am getting tired of the huge phones seriously. I remember a time when we made fun of the iPad saying it was just a big ass iphone. Now look at use with 4.7 in phone everywhere.
There's a BIG (no pun intended) difference between a 5-inch phone and a 9.7-inch tablet.
Some people like big screens, and some don't, but I think the overall preference is towards bigger, mainly because most people use two hands to operate their phone anyway, so being small enough to use with one hand isn't a necessity.
I'm not sure what advantages there are to a curved screen anyhow. If someone can think of something, please enlighten me.
Supposedly it would conform to your face and/or pocket better. Also, it's sort of a technological stepping stone towards developing truly "flexible" phones
And, according to this article, they have the potential to greatly reduce or eliminate screen reflection (especially outside)
I've been using a Note 3 (pants) and an HTC One for the last year because I got fed up with Apples smaller screens. That said I would move back in a flash if they produced something with a reasonable sized display. However, the curved phone idea is really putting me off! Why would I be happy to move back to iOS? Because I am a developer and I can develop much better apps on iOS as Android is crap for audio and midi. In general iOS has a much better standard of app which reflects the ease of which we can develop on this platform and how much better performance we get from it. For now I'm suffering Android, and over my animated wallpapers, widgets, and poor stutters/Mb of memory. A good experience is more than a phone full of gimmicks (Samsung).
Why do we need curved phones? I don`t get it? Besides being different from what we have today, why would i be interested in something that is so small and has a curved screen. I would understand it if it was a 27"+ screen ... so that it surrounds my vision, but from a small device like a phone ??? To me is as useless as putting ridiculous resolutions to 4" phone screens.