Republican Terrorists trying to wreck the Global Economy

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I thought you were talking about the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard
I cant remember what number was on it now
Getting old
thank you mrface
I was too lazy to google it
plus wanted to see if I could think of it myself
but I couldnt
Lost that brain cell somewhere

back to OP thread

I miss the days of John Wayne,Elvis,Rat Pack,Freddy Prinze,Richard Pryor etc

Feels like the country has gotten lamer
I guess that is the onset of old age LOL

Do remember that we had bad problems in Middle East in 60s and 70s
for example The Six Day war and some bad hijacking and bombings

Plus we were in a war we werent allowed to win- Vietnam

We had a President assinated and another one impeached

so when the old timers say the the country was a better place back then

just remember 4 college kids getting killed in Kent State

Or Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy being gunned down

Even back in the 50s we had a war we were not allowed to win- Korea
and we had a witch hunt on communists with many lives ruined

and the 1940s

they must have thought that WWII was the friggin' end of the world
back then

sure seemed like the Apocalypse with the bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima

and the 1930s
with the Great Depression

1920s had gangsters running wild

and the 1910s had the first World War

Really when was the last Good Olde Days in America folks?

I live in a smaller city right now but plan to leave and go live in a small town once this current gig is up. I'm not a city person and never will be.
I am in a New Jersey USA City in the shadow of New York City
Triple shooting with automatic fire last year on my block
drive by shooting in front of my daughters school while I was picking her up
Assault/rape two house down at 6am on a weekday

Yea planning to move ASAP
Liberals, who were soley responsible for entire 2008 United States housing market crash and the entire economic recession along with unemployment. Liberals, who had a super-majority on congress of both houses since 2006, and control of the whitehouse since 2009 still have not solved the economic recession a bit...have the nerve to call Republicans Terrorists...


Ack! I was born in West New York, and also lived in North Bergen . . . long ago lol. Was once a nice neighborhood.

Be even more fair, the banks and other financial institutions lobbied Congress for that near complete lack of regulation, and were the ones who were behind repealing the laws from the 30s that were supposed to keep them from gambling lack a set of mad fools.

Besides, the rate of foreclosure is highest not among those close to poverty, but several segments higher. Which is also considerably more money.

And blaming Liberals is silly, if you haven't noticed, Obama isn't a hardcore liberal, he's a centrist, and many of his ideas are FORMER republican ones. That combined with the obstructionism on the Republican's hands, and it makes it very strange to blame them. It's like you haven't even noticed the reality, like how the healthcare reform law was proposed by Gingrich's cohorts back in the nineties, or how the Stimulus was underfunded and hamstrung.

No wonder it didn't work. It was too damn small.


You are correct,

The housing market bubble was starting to emerge before clinton, but in 1995 clinton made revisions to the CRA which made Banks force to give loans to unqualified borrowers. Due to this, we had people with 30k salaries living in 500k houses (after this, the bubble's growth was rapidly accelerated). The banks were forced to use teaser interest rates which kept them dirt-low for the first months, then interest skyrocketed and all the people instead of selling the homes, just declared bankrupcy and walked out, leaving the bank completely screwed.

All these loans were made by publicly-owned private banks which had to use these loans for profit since they work for thier shareholders. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac immediatly bought these loans off.

And thats what caused the entire crash. The loaning in the country turned into a no-risk envirnment which is extremely dangerous.

President george bush even tried to warning and stopping this in 2003 and John McCain tried stopping it in 2005. The lack of congressional super-majority didn't allow regulation bills to be passed on the government sponsered entities.

Who created the CRA: Democrats (Congress and Jimmy Carter)
Who created Fannie and Freddie: Democrats (Franklin Roosevelt)
Who made revisision to the CRA to force banks: Democrats (Bill Clinton)
Who blocked regulation bills on Fannie/Freddie: Democrats (Congress)

Who caused the housing market crisis:....I think we all know the answer...

Barack Obama is a communist. Not even a liberal or a centrist.

As per my original post ... mission accomplished.

I probably should close this since the rule of law in the forums is that any discussion about communism ends in a discussion about Nazis !!

Godwins Law....
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