Question Request for Windows dump file analysis

Savage One

Apr 2, 2016
Hi guys, if someone could take a look at these dump files I'd be very grateful. They're from my little brother's machine who lives quite a ways from me, so I can't do hands on troubleshooting. He was having several BSODs a day, seemingly randomly. From the crash codes I've seen, it seems to be either driver or RAM related, but I guess that's what the dump files would tell us.

I'm going to attach two files, the first file was after a "random" crash, the most recent one. The second was after this, when I had him run driver verifier on windows and he got stuck in a BSOD loop on startup, which I've since gotten him out of. If you choose to help, I'll let you determine which, if not both, are more worthy of taking to time to analyze.

First dump file, last "random" one :

Second dump file, when driver verifier was causing BSOD death loop:
