[SOLVED] RGB fan connections?

GDV stands for Ground / Data / Voltage. Those are the three lines of a Addressable RGB header on a mobo, which yours does NOT have. You cannot power and control the lights in your fans from your mobo - you will need a controller. Aerocool supplies one with some of their 3-fan packages, but even if you got that the connection cables are a bit different, so there's be more things to figure out.

If you choose to change to different fans, you MUST buy the type called just plain RGB, NOT the ones called Addressable RGB or ADDR RGB or ARGB. Besides the name difference, those come with two cables from the fan - one for the motor that plugs into a mobo fan header, and a second ending in a large connector with FOUR holes. Some call the plain RGB system the 12 V 4-pin system. That is what your mobo has built in and you can use that. Be aware, though, that the light displays you can get are not quite so complex. In a plain RGB system, the colors and brightness of the lights in a fan can certainly be changed over a huge range. But at any one moment, the entire fan light is ONE colour - you cannot get rainbow effects chasing around the fan. Other than that kind of difference, the plain RGB system can give you lots of lighitng effects thatchange over time under control of your mobo's 4-pin plain RGB header.