Romney vs Obama round 2

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What the hell was Romney a BOSS trying to control the whole debate. Let him stick to being an executive type and not a PRESIDENT!
It sounds to me like whining when conservatives blame the moderator. Grow a pair, and let the possible future leader of the free world show that he knows how to handle himself.

Boo hoo Obama had 3 extra minutes. Boo Hoo the moderator pointed out one of Romney lies. Go cry me a river.

I've never seen anyone more spineless than Romney. His platform is like ferris wheel when its comes to his stances on issues. Thats just during this election too, if you widen the spectrum back to when he was governor he doesn't look remotely the same. Not to mention he was a far more moderate candidate during the presidential debates than he was during the republican primaries. If he does get elected I wonder which version will be the president? - Lots of funny in here. Now if you arent a Romney shill then some of these flip slops must affect you. - And here is a nice example of Fox news giving Romney the reach around on his abortion flop. - The actual lie he told about binders full of women. Lies.

I dont know how you guys can be so fervently for Mitt Romney. The guy doesnt even know what his first name is. He doesnt even know what his policy is, his campaign slogan should have been "Ill support whatever gets you to vote for me!"

And Jill Stein. I think it might be a while before a viable third party comes into being. Some people wanted the tea party to fill that 3rd party void but the republicans have absorbed a weird mix of tea baggers and libertarians that made them less effective in the long run.

I picture the republican party splitting after this election, the common sense conservatives could have a really good platform to run on, one that I would vote for under certain conditions. The other half of the republicans will continue their crap spewing just to get enough votes to f*ck up the political stage.


Time for a new word of the week.

Marv, you are aware (I hope) that the Branch of our government the President is the head of is called the Executive Branch, right?

So, if you want Romney to be an executive type and the President heads the Executive Branch, then it seems to me that you actually want Romney to be President!

Jill Stein is on the Presidential ballot in 38 States as well as Washington DC. Gary Johnson is on the ballot in 48 States as well as Washington DC. That certainly seems to be large enough support for both candidates to warrant being part of the Presidential debates. Instead, Gary Johnson is blacklisted and Jill Stein is arrested.

The Debate Commission requires the candidate get at least 15% on 5 national polls. The kick in the ass is that Stein and Johnson will never score that high on national polls if the main stream media does not provide them with an outlet.

I think that history will show the Tea party was the movement that re-awakened the electorate's interest in America's Constitutional roots. If anything, the Tea Party's influence is what has halted larger federal deficits, increased federal spending, greater growth in government, and has called for a more pragmatic approach to solving America's spending and unemployment issues. Sad truth is tho, generations of Americans have been raised with the belief that the federal government's primary job is to provide the individual with a lifestyle. It is because of that liberal indoctrination that the tea Party is viewed as being bad for this country.

Doubt that the Republicans will split anymore than the Democrats will split as a result of Obama losing. As a result of the Tea Party influence within the Republican Party, the RINO's are being voted out and pressure is mounting on our elected officials to move towards smaller government and less federal spending; two items that have been in the republicans platform for many years.
You are giving the tea party wayyyyy too much credit. I can understand that you want smaller government and less spending but the other issues are the ones that are holding the tea party back. Its people like michelle bachmann and sarah palin that have painted the tea party in a negative light, not liberal indoctrination.
You do realize that Candy Crowley stated that she was incorrect, right?

You should read this, "Debate Moderator Candy Crowley, Post-Dispatch Admit Being Wrong About Romney"

Don't worry, it will be alright...I know the truth hurts...but just remember, time heals all wounds and that which does not kill you makes you grow wiser...
See, this exactly what I'm talking about! Now you're just talking equivocation and semantics.

If the main stream media was bias towards the conservatives, Bachmann and Palin would be looked at very differently.

I agree that Bachmann and Palin have said some dumb things but let's put this into perspective; with all the idiotic things Biden has said (with the most recent calling out Tagg Romney for a fist fight) he pretty much gets a buy from the main stream media. Oh, don't worry, that just wacky Uncle Joe!

The media bias and liberal narrative to paint anything they don't agree with, as Obama said, "as something to run from" is the type of rhetoric that dominates our political culture and is the most widely heard by the American public, i.e.; indoctrination.

You make the same mistake that Romney made. The president did call the attack an act of terror. Its not The moderators fault or anyone elses that Romney didnt make a good attack. Now how much translation do we need to do when the media has to go "Well Mitt Romney probably actually meant this, even though he said that". Now what Romney should have done (Isnt it funny how Romney only has good ideas after the fact?) is attack on substance, not on sound bites. Again no ones fault but his own.

But again no one actually reads into what was said just section off a good sentence and sound bite it. You do know she correct both candidates? Lets look at the transcript.

ROMNEY: I want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror.

OBAMA: Get the transcript.

CROWLEY: It — it — it — he did in fact, sir. So let me — let me call it an act of terror...(Confirms Obama did use the phrase.)

OBAMA: Can you say that a little louder, Candy?

CROWLEY: He — he did call it an act of terror. (Again, confirms Obama did use the phrase.) It did as well take — it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. You are correct about that. (Confirms Romney's assertion that publicly the administration was not forthcoming with the facts.)

ROMNEY: This — the administration — the administration indicated this was a reaction to a video and was a spontaneous reaction.

CROWLEY: It did. (Again, confirms Romney's assertion that publicly the administration was not forthcoming with the facts.)

See what a big stink everyone is making over nothing? The republicans heard something they didnt like and jumped all over it. It was a huge overreaction. Even the moderator had to do the attacking and rephrasing for Romney so he would make a coherent point and not make an @ss out of himself. If anything Romney should thank her for putting him back on course.
I am making no mistakes. What Obama said about Benghazi on 9/12 is a fool's argument. It is an argument that makes Obama look bad either way. If Obama did call Benghazi an act of terror on 9/12, then it opens the door to all sorts of criticism as to why Obama and his administration blamed a Youtube video for two weeks. It opens the door as to why it took the Obama Administration two weeks to reveal what he supposedly stated on 9/12. And, it opens the door to a possible cover up by the Obama Administration; which ironically, is where it seems to be headed now that Chris Stevens is being accused of securing Libyian weapons for Al-Qaeda rebels in Syria.

But all of that is besides the point...

The point is, you stated
wanamingo: It sounds to me like whining when conservatives blame the moderator.
and that is what I was responding to. The fact is I linked you to an article where it was very plainly determined that the moderator and various news agency's got it wrong and had to print a retraction. Logically, you can not claim conservatives were whining, that Romney got it wrong, or blaming the moderator when the moderator was proven to be incorrect.
lol. You are making Mitts arguments for him again.... It definitely opens the door to criticism and rightfully so. When we have a discussion about the reaction and facts to talk about then everybody wins, when you have a candidate that can only spit out the words "He didnt call it an act of terrorism" and cant articulate the shortcoming in a better way he failed. And to blame Crowley is stupid.

"Romney was right in the main, I just think he picked the wrong word."

And that is what I have been saying, Romney made the wrong attack Crowley corrected him and in the net sentence literally called out the president on what Romney should have thrown at him.

He — he did call it an act of terror. (Again, confirms Obama did use the phrase.) It did as well take — it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. You are correct about that. (Confirms Romney's assertion that publicly the administration was not forthcoming with the facts.)

Either way its embarrassing for Romney and doesnt really help him when the take away moment for conservatives is the moderator correcting him.
So, with help from Crowley, who interupted and got it wrong, fotr semantics reasons only, youd give Obama a pass?
That this is a defense as to how it was handled over time?
As Obama said, say it a little louder.

So, semantics is more important than looking foolish and confused about the death and attack on US lives? For 2 weeks?
Hows this for semantics:
The reason gas was 1.80$ was the economy was in recession.

I agree that Biden isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but to use the argument that Bachmann and Palin are somehow less idiotic than they seem to be because of increased media speculation is just to much of a stretch for me. I have gathered my opinons of them by their actions and what they have said, so to say they would seem more intelligent with less coverage is like saying everyone else would be less intelligent under more media scrutiny, which I just can't agree with. Now there may be an argument to be made that "more" people have this opinion because of increased media coverage of them but that in itself does not change the core fact that they are morons who have somehow reached the upper echelon of the tea party. Saying a pig is covered in crap when the pig is indeed covered in crap is not indoctrination.

Off the top of my head I think of the muslim brotherhood comments from Bachmann and then the foreign policy comments from Palin when she was a VP candidate. Not to mention Bachmann saying that earthquakes and hurricanes was God telling America to quit spending. Really!?!?!?!
It makes people like you make other people not to vote which is a privilege we have in the U.S.Withy this care less attitude of yours.
As a moderator it was not Candy's job to fact check (she would be fact checking every time both debaters opened their mouths if that was her job). I believe she was just trying to save her guy from being pounded on the Libya issue. She was wrong because Obama never said the attack on Libya was an act of terror.
As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.
Notice he switches to "Today" after making the "acts of terror" comment. He was talking about the past; the first 9/11 to be exact (terrible that we have two now).
Candy could not have been more biased in this debate. She gave POTUS more time, and saved his butt with false interpretations of his own speech. It was really sad that Romney had to debate two people.