I have been running an I7 3820. I recall being told that my 2 GTX 680s would bottleneck on this chip, this was in 2012. Well, I upgraded to 2 X GTX 970s in SLI and I still have yet to experience a noticeable bottleneck. What I do notice is the perpetual "SLI is dead, get off the forum" posts on AAA game forums/steam discussions. Whenever I compare my benches to GTX 970 SLI benchmarks, I'm almost always within a standard deviation of the benchmarks. The only game I'm curious about is Stellaris. When I hit a certain threshold, thousands of units on screen, I start to notice a slug. Other than that, most modern games perform well. My question is, will recent AAA games (Monster Hunter World, Odyssey, and Wildlands) bottleneck that noticeably if I replace my 2 GTX 970s? The conundrum is that the only major noticeably upgrade for my socket size (LGA 2011) is the 4960X. I can acquire one but only refurbished unless I want to pay $800+ for a new one. At that pricepoint, I might as well just purchase a new build. I want the 2060 to hold me over one more series until I decide to build something very powerful 2 GPU generations from now. My net cost, assuming the markup on the super isn't incendiary, should be $200 after selling my GTX 970s. My question is, will the bottleneck be THAT bad? Again, my 3820 has been powering twin 970s for awhile now.