Question RTX 2070 underperforming


Nov 12, 2017
Since I've got my new Asus Strix OC RTX 2070 I was getting less fps/performance than other people on youtube,benchmarking sites and I even compared it to my friends rig that has same amount of RAM, an ASUS Dual RTX 2070, and a slightly different processor that should be weaker that mine(i7-8700k-Mine, 9400F-his).

My friend and I ran a demo of 3DBenchmark(Time Spy) and compared our results. His GPU score is better by 2000 points, and that isn't a small difference.
I've tried reinstalling my OS multiple times, reinstalling drivers, reinstalling the GPU, and I even changed my MOBO for unrelated reasons.

I wasn't so worried about my FPS so much back then but now I'm lacking 30-40 FPS in some games and it's really frustrating.
If additional information is needed, feel free to ask, I'll do anything in order to fix this issue, thanks in advance.
full system spec? include make and model of the psu

malware scan your system?

Intel Core i7-8700k
Asus Strix Z390-E
ASUS ROG STRIX RTX 2070 Gaming Advanced
16GB x 1 HyperX 2400Mhz RAM (Really stupid choice I made)
Chieftec 750W semi-modular power supply, I really couldn't find the exact model, it's pretty old, looks like Chieftec CTG-750C
Cooler Master Hyper212 Evo

I think the malware scan isn't neccesasry because I reinstalled my OS 2 weeks ago and performance was the same on a fresh install like it is now.