RTX 2080 ti crashes

Specs are asrock z270 mobo with i7 7700k 16gb corsair ram and the psu is the corsair rm750x. When I first installed the gpu it didnt have stock drivers said something about microsoft basic display adapter. I uninstalled drivers then reinstalled the same 2080ti drivers and now its not happening anymore. Should I be worried since it hasnt happened? Before it happened 10 mins into gaming now I have been playing for a a few hours fine.
yesterday it crashed with a BSOD error kmode exception not handled, i have to point out that i over clocked my ram but i removed the oc, before it was crashing to desktop with a driver error when playing only farcry 5 havent played any games after than farcry since i got the card before i was having stability issues lots of blue screens when i used a single pci-e cable from psu, but it has been alot more stable since i used two pci-e cables from psu, i have a threadripper 1920x overclocked to 4ghz and my asus rtx 2080ti overclocked as well, so i dont know why it crashes to desktop in farcry i have not played any thing else for a long time meaning exeeding one hour to judge, like i played gta 5 for 30 mins no issues or even 50 mins farcry will play it for like 2 hours then it will crash to desktop bluescreen issueis gone since the psu change buy last week end is oc the ram and it happend yesterday to i removed ram oc by feedback so far about rtx 2080ti i dont know i really dont know if it is a faulty card or a driver cause it worked for a week a solid week no issues.

answering your question yes it happened it will freez like with artifacts then BSOD, then it was gone after PSU configration change user two pci-e cables change then it happened again after ram OC i wonder if corsair HX850 is enough i suspect i dont have enough power
Was just wondering if you guys have fixed this problem, I recently got a 2080ti and it kept getting black&white checkerboard patterns then crashing. So I talked to Nvidia and went through several long processes and in the end they said to send it back it must be defective.

A week later I get my new one and I no longer have this problem and it doesn't crash as frequently but I still get the odd crash or two. Anyone able to help because Nvidia cant
I also spoke with nvidia and they also had me rma the card to send a replacement so we will see if it still happens. I have heard that switching your psu from multi to single has helped however my psu is single only so I am also gonna put in a 1000w psu to see if it happens.

My psu is 1150w still just crashes. I was told that it could be that my CPU is to slow could this be true.

CPU: I7 6700
I doubt that would cause it. Mine crashes with a i7 8700k running at 4.7 Yours could be a driver issue. Do you have the newest driver? If so I would roll back to the last driver and see if that helps. Lastly do you have xmp on from your bios? I had that on when it crashed so if a new card doesn't fix it, that will be my next step is to turn that off.
I would disable xmp and see if that helps first. You can also use DDU and completly uninstall the nvidia drivers and download them again and do a custom install with the clean install checked. If that doesn't help try going back 1 driver. Report back if any of that works for others with the issue.
So, I disabled XMP and Uninstalled the Nvidia drivers then downloaded the new ones and done a clean install and it has crashed once again. So far the only game that consistently crashes is "Sea of Thieves" all other games that I have tried have worked fine apart from "Rainbow Six Siege" Which has crashed once in the past 4 days.
Anyone have a guess why "Sea of Thieves" Keeps consistently crashing? Also if anyone else is getting this problem with "Sea of Thieves" Exclusively please let me know
as it a new gpu make sure your bios is up to date to rule out a bios bug with the efi bios. also make sure in the bios the primary display set to peg/pci not auto or ipgpu. also make sure intel chipset drivers are up to date. to check for power issue use hardware info set it to sensor and logging.
So just finished installing new Graphics card drivers, BIOS and chipset. then set the BIOS Primary Display to PCIE (Other option was integrated Graphics)

I then started up the "Time Spy Extreme" Stress test and after a couple of runs it started flickering Red, Green & Blue, then a couple runs later it crashes. Any more ideas?

Flicker Green: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426947520233472010/502809112183308298/image0.png

UPDATE 1: After doing all that, just tried opening up "Rainbow Six Siege" and it just gives me constant 6 - 10 fps and now the game won't even launch without everything crashing. Any Ideas? Just flat out cant launch some games now

UPDATE 2:"Rainbow Six Siege" Works perfectly fine when tabbed out, it loads in fine and works, its just when I tab into the game the FPS drops down to 6 then crashes

UPDATE 3: After switching it from PCIE back to auto in the bios, it now works fine but still gets the Red, Green and Blue flickers when stress testing. Also just finished stress testing "Rainbow Six Siege" and it just crashes 2 runs in, No idea what's going on just feel like saying f*** it and send it back
So you did try going back to the previous driver and it still didn't work? Is mce on in your bios? maybe its overclocking all cores on your cpu and not getting enough voltage?
Just installed the older drivers and it increases the fps by 25-30 but still crashed after a couple of runs of the "Rainbow Six Siege" Benchmark. About to try the "Time Spy Extreme" Stress Test but not hopeful. Also tried looking for MCE but can't find it, my default CPU speed is 3.4 GHz but for some reason, it's currently at 3.7Ghz and its been like that since I got it. (Don't know if that's got anything to do with it). Any more Ideas

UPDATE: Just ran "Time Spy Extreme" Stress Test and the same thing happened, just flickered Red, Green & Blue then crashed. GG

Just noticed while looking at the Failed Stress Test Report, whenever I hit 100% GPU Load it instantly Crashes. Anyway to stop this
MCE is asus version of it every motherboard maker has their own version and it makes the cpu run at the turbo clock on all cores and raises voltage. As for the cpu running at 100 percent I dont know if that would cause it because under stress test my 1080ti runs at 100 percent and does fine.

Just did another TimeSpy Test, don't know if this is useful but every time it crashes the 3D Section hits 100%

Image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426947520233472010/502855569955356672/unknown.png