Read a lot of posts skirting around my issue, but no fix yet.
Fan was making noises like it was hitting something. Took my GPU apart, removed thermal paste and original heat pads, replaced both. Reassembled. One fan wobbles until while card maxes out fan speed, other two are fine.
Now when I turn my PC on, it displays for around 5 minutes, then stops. Faster if I put it under load, any load. It goes from low speed to full and the display stops. Fans still running full speed but no display. Card doesn't feel hot, but I have no monitor on it.
I've taken it back apart to double check the thermal paste and heat pads and everything seems to be right, but this screams overheat issue to be, but I can't see where it would be from.
I appreciate any thoughts.
Fan was making noises like it was hitting something. Took my GPU apart, removed thermal paste and original heat pads, replaced both. Reassembled. One fan wobbles until while card maxes out fan speed, other two are fine.
Now when I turn my PC on, it displays for around 5 minutes, then stops. Faster if I put it under load, any load. It goes from low speed to full and the display stops. Fans still running full speed but no display. Card doesn't feel hot, but I have no monitor on it.
I've taken it back apart to double check the thermal paste and heat pads and everything seems to be right, but this screams overheat issue to be, but I can't see where it would be from.
I appreciate any thoughts.