Question RTX 3070/3080 question

Sep 9, 2020

I recently built a budget PC. Just wanted to see if I could build something decent for around 550. In my current setup I went with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600AF edition, for the motherboard I am using a Gigabyte B450 AORUS M and 16 gigs of ram. My current card in there is a XFX Radeon RX 580.

Now I am getting the itch with new RTX cards coming out to throw one of those in. Would my processor be slowing things down to much? Any other issues I might run into?
My current monitor is QNIX - QX2710LED. It is currently 60hz. At one time when I got it had it changed to 120.

My current PSU is only 550 but I have a corsair 750 in my Intel I built a few years ago I would take and use. This was a budget and I wanted more but PSU prices are so much higher then when I bought that 750.