Rumor: Nintendo 3DS to Pack Two ARM CPUs

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Wow! If those specs are real, then the rumors will end up being truthful lolz!
Those specs are very disappointing, I was thinking it would be a Tegra 2 with its dual Cortex A9 goodness. Not saying its a better gaming platform, but the iPod Touch already blows these specs out of the water. Heck, even the last generation one did, as did the Zune HD as well as just about every smartphone released in the last 2 years.

I know bottom of the barrel specs haven't hurt Nintendo sales with the Wii or DS, but this is still disappointing.

Yo Sony, go with the Tegra 2 and 512mb RAM for the next PSP!
To be honest, if those spec's are right, i thought a 3D console would still pack more punch with it's hardware..

I was expecting something similar in speed to snapdragon and a GPU as powerful as Tegra at the least?
They will need some serious power to make good use of 3D tech, this has potential to SHRED the PSP and iPod touch, but at those specs it's not powerful enough to.
Something like a PowerVR SGX 530 (540 would be better) would be good for the GPU, maybe even talk to AMD and use a APU or Tegra 2, but either way, you want serious power to drive 3D.
sorry but this doesn't really mean much to me, cause I don't know how fast these chips are. benchmarks like we have with AMD and Nvidia would be helpful.
The aging PSP still has better specs than those except for the VRAM which is only 2mb on psp.

But since when did Nintendo care about graphics anyway.
[citation][nom]joytech22[/nom]To be honest, if those spec's are right, i thought a 3D console would still pack more punch with it's hardware..I was expecting something similar in speed to snapdragon and a GPU as powerful as Tegra at the least?[/citation]

Snapdragon and Tegra are both SoC's that include both a processor and a GPU.
its all about price. for both the consumer and for nintendo. yeah, sure the newer itouch/iphones, zune hd, and otherwise are faster, however look at cost. modern smartphones may be faster, but tend to be heavily subsidized by carriers or tend to cost 400-500$. the ds line runs much less than that. ill also throw out an assumption here and say that a good part of the final price for the 3ds will be the top screen. if they had decided not to go with a glasses free 3d screen, i guarantee the specs might be a bit more meaty.
also, on another note, nintendo tends to lean towards the more casual/younger gaming crowd, with games more suited to that means than for instance the psp. therefore, just like with the wii, its more about being different and fun than boasting the best specs/visuals.
[citation][nom]eklipz330[/nom]maybe they wanted to keep it under $200...hey, as long as it looks EXCEPTIONAL and framerate is good, who can complain?[/citation]

The iPod touch, with even MORE storage, is 250 dollars. I'm sure they could have done better.
from what i heard from people who actually played with it (metal gear, capcom game). the graphics are "amazing." As long as it puts out amazing graphics, i could care less if it was even powered by hamsters.
I'm sorry to be promoting Apple here, but really iPod Touch has so much more potential. True I might not be able to play Mario, but I can play NOVA or Assasains Creed on a 960x 640 display. A4 isn't that special but the one in the iPod is estimated to be around 900MHz which is far superior to the DS and the PowerVR SGX is also quite good. Not too mention 256MB of memory and 8-64GB of Flash memory. I bet the 3DS will be around $200 at launch. $230 gets you 10X more power.

Okay, you don't get 3D does anyone REALLY want 3D? No its marketing. Theyve forced it upon us whether we like it or not.
After all the half-assed and truly badly made games that I've slogged through on the DS, I'm very *very* leery of another Nintendo handheld no matter how powerful it may appear to be.

I can't see paying $199+ for a handheld with old and overly familiar pre-16-bit gaming icons and legacy gameplay. The 3D-gimmick...I'm just not buying it.

Not saying it *won't* have FPS converts, but I'd rather buy a 1st gen Ion netbook or a later gen 11"+ netbook with mid-level graphics than blow $199+ on another kiddie-shovelware-infested platform with half-ass developed games.

why is everybody in the comments complaining about the specs? it's been nintendo's goal to make a profit out of EVERY console they sold, contrary to sony and microsoft. Specs are not up to par with today's tech? Well, look at the Wii. Only 512MiB internal storage! WTF?? Did it sell? Hell yeaz!

What's the main attractor for the 3DS? Hint: first two letters. If it pulls it off well, and according to people who demoed it it has, then once you're playing it you're not going to focus on how pixelated or aliased it looks. Unlike a PSP or iPhone, the screen isn't going to be static enough to let you concentrate on it (unless you prefer to switch off the 3D, but pretty dumb move unless low on batt). Your eyes will be constantly focusing to and away from it too much to notice and/or care.

This may be a website for those of us who are tech savvy... but tech isn't all. Start looking at the bigger picture.
Start looking at the bigger picture... good point zhelkus.
It certainly does seem like weak spec's..

But it's all about finding that point between power necessary to acheive it's outcomes and then making sure it's affordable for the general consumer, which'll get in the sales.

You could say the Nintendo Wii is weak (and hey, hardware wise it is)... but Nintendo won't hear you, they're too busy rolling around in piles of cash.
[citation][nom]tipoo[/nom]The iPod touch, with even MORE storage, is 250 dollars. I'm sure they could have done better.[/citation]

*and thats not to say its a better gaming platform, just that for the price Nintendo could have stuck better internals in*
Xaios: I agree with you, Nintendo is about making enjoyable games for ages ranging from 1-100 😛

No really, even if you're around 40 you'd still play Mario or Zelda because it's still in a way old-school.
[citation][nom]Ramar[/nom]Did you guys not see the screenshots? It looks GREAT, certainly better than the PSP.[/citation]
Yeah, this is puzzling. I'm wondering what sort of trickery these developers are using. I read the article, and the developer ALSO said that this can sport some visuals on par with the 360 and PS3, albeit lower resolution. If anyone on this forum has seen screenshots, they should know better than to go just by what's on paper. These gaming websites have already done comparisons of ipod touch games to the same games that will be release on the 3DS. There is no comparison at all. 3DS just looks better.
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