[citation][nom]darkchazz[/nom]The aging PSP still has better specs than those except for the VRAM which is only 2mb on psp.But since when did Nintendo care about graphics anyway.[/citation]
PSP has only one MIPS chip at 333Mhz, 3DS has 2 ARM11 233 MHZ (More than likely one for each screen) plug a dedictated GPU. The PSP does not have better specs, that's just simple math.
[citation][nom]lauxenburg[/nom]I start a sentence with "Sorry to be promoting Apple here..." and I get owned? Wow guys get a life. Maybe if you read the entire post you'd get the point....OH WELL[/citation]
No one downthumbed you because you were promoting Apple, they were downthumbing you due to blatant ignorance about the differences between the two products, like I don't know, one has an OS and the other doesn't, that MHz means nothing, it's about how the processor handles data, and that your specs for the Touch are just slightly off.
[citation][nom]Vladislaus[/nom]It's impossible to compare a virtual machine (emulator) with a dedicated machine. Unless the host computer is significantly faster the virtual machine will always be significantly slower. Then it also depends a lot on the efficiency of the code in the virtual machine.[/citation]
He wasn't talking about an emulator. He was talking about an actual port to the Windows OS. Here's a comparison, Metal Gear Solid, ran fine on a 33Mhz PSX processor, but try running it on a 33Mhz PC processor. Not gonna work because you have to run the OS not just the game.
Anyway, having actually experienced the hands on experience myself, I can say the 3D effect is really good, albeit with a rather restrictive viewing angle (gets all askewed if you view from the sides) but who the hell looks at a handheld that way anyway? And who looks over people's shoulders for handhelds? Other than that, the MGS3D demo was really impressive, looks even better in some respects than the PS2 version, the Resident Evil demo gave me not half, but full chub.
Not a fan of cameras in every device, but I guess the majority loves their cameras, and I'm interested in seeing how the tilt function pans out besides just in-game camera control.
Now let's just wait for Sony's response, and see what they come out with.