Hoping to get a 770 when this is released, providing the price isnt too much, the 670 can be had for £300 so I'm hoping to pick one up for £350 at most, with overclock if possible 😀
Not very likely... There is very little room to improve with 28nm technology. But AMD did 7790 and that is actually 8xxx technology with old 28 nm production technology, so this is possible, but it is hard to see why Nvidia would do it.
But if they do then AMD allso have to react, so maybe this is a good thing. What I am afraid is that we will get even more expensive GPU:s in near future...
When higher resolution monitors become cheaper, or more demanding games are released (hopefully soon after the new consoles later this year), then I will care. Until then, I am happy that my current card has lasted as long as it has and that the era of having to buy a new video card every few months just to play new releases at decent settings is over.
When higher resolution monitors become cheaper, or more demanding games are released (hopefully soon after the new consoles later this year), then I will care. Until then, I am happy that my current card has lasted as long as it has and that the era of having to buy a new video card every few months just to play new releases at decent settings is over.
Hoping to get a 770 when this is released, providing the price isnt too much, the 670 can be had for £300 so I'm hoping to pick one up for £350 at most, with overclock if possible 😀
Good to see Nvidia isn't blind. AMD has been very aggressive this generation--releasing first, updating drivers to win back the speed crown, offering far more SKUs to serve different population segments and of course the bundles. In a lot of ways, Nvidia made better cards, lack of backplate not withstanding, that are more efficient from a power perspective, feature PhysX as opposed to Havok/TresFX and sound less like a vacuum cleaner--but who cares about that when websites are calling the 7970 line the fastest and they have oodles of free games? The Titan is not a suitable response, maybe the 700 line will do better.
When higher resolution monitors become cheaper, or more demanding games are released (hopefully soon after the new consoles later this year), then I will care. Until then, I am happy that my current card has lasted as long as it has and that the era of having to buy a new video card every few months just to play new releases at decent settings is over.
Even every few months to max any game is a bit of an exaggeration 😀
I know what you mean though, but when 4k comes around it might be back to video cards seeming outdated more rapidly than in the past few years, until it kind of plateaus again so I wouldn't say it's over. I just hope we don't end up with games that mostly look like next-gen console games, just <50% better and in 4k. I'm sure there's going to be some that push the tech to it's limits early on, I just hope to see it more aside from indie developers. Thankfully we have the modding community, but it's gotten to a point where modders make PC games look like what they should have to begin with(or better), not to mention fan-made patches for bug fixes after 2+ patches from the developer.
This means Nvidia will have more then 6 months on anything new AMD will have to offer. I was talking to a VGA manufacturer of both brands and he said AMD has nothing yet to offer and it may be well into 2014 before they have anything new to roll out.
I'm just expecting to see a revamp of the current GK104 series of cards to include feature found in the gtx titan like gpu boost 2. These will occupy the price area that the current GK104's inhabit or there about.
Additionally I expect a cut down version of the gtx titan some are calling the titan le...but both these cards will continue to occupy the "premium" card price point of £700 - £1000 and be out of the reach of most.