Rumor: Windows 9 May Be Revealed Next Week

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Ahhh the good ol' subscription system. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they even added micro-transactions like they do in some games today. Just amazing what corporations today will do for a buck you know? God Bless America.. *Insert massive sarcasm here* =(
No I am not going to "rent" my OS. I would pay $1 per month max if they went that route otherwise I would start purchasing an apple (yeah I know I said it)
rent an OS?
hell NO!
not ever!
also about the activation method... I rather have a useful KEY...
me personally usually reinstall every OS a few times ... so having to use the "store" online is just another hassle that I don't need.
Long Live Windows 7!
I wouldn't mind renting an OS if the cost over 5 (maybe 6) years came out to the same as purchasing any version of Windows OS, today. That's about how long I'll have had Windows 7 until they finally have a decent OS for me to upgrade to. Microsoft seems to have a history of releasing one bad OS followed by a good one, then that cycle repeats.
No I am not going to "rent" my OS. I would pay $1 per month max if they went that route otherwise I would start purchasing an apple (yeah I know I said it)

LAWL with apple your paying a extra $300-500 up front when you buy their hardware. It's all just factored in. It's kind of like buying a $7 drink at the movies that has tax, and employee wages. It's just factored in, at least Microsoft is up front at what your paying and what you are getting.
I cannot believe I never noticed before, but MS has pulled off the Coca Cola recipe switch with Windows OS successfully now three times and is on its way to number four. As for the new activation and whatever scheme they come up with for purchase..... HELL NO!
Do not want subscription model for Windows OS. Primarily because I think it would raise the standalone OS price, and I quite enjoy being able to buy the OEM Windows OS for only about $100 right now. If they do a subscription model of say, $50 per year, then the OEM pricing would probably start around $150.
I guess those of us on The excellent Island of Windows 7 will be waiting for the Windows 10. Those of you all Vista users who went to Windows 8 and found out what screwing was all over again I'm sure won't be buying into Windows 9 and those on Windows 8 having researched the term "downgrade" have learned from your early middle or late adoption of Windows 8 mistakes too.

That is all of course if Microsoft is still around in the years to come when Windows 10 will in their development cycle. Another OS like Windows 8 or Vista or a silly plan like rentin' your OS but missing a payment locks out all your documents unless you pay a "40 lost key/payment F U reactivation fee" , another design decision like this will kill the company. Then maybe a more competent solftware developer can buy the Windows Brand and actually innovate.

Show us where Office 365 is more valuable than Office 2010 or even Office 2007?
Wait I am still on 7 and only now barely thinking of 8 as I build another new system. Now 9 is around the corner? Damn - too bad since I would love a new install of 7 over 8. FU Microsoft - I am really starting to hate you guys (and touch sucks for us gamers and our machines).
I'm fine with a subscription model as long as it's reasonably priced. $10 a year would be reasonable to me, even 15.

Their office 365 subscription deal is very good now too, office with 1TB of storage PER user.

I still think they should offer a non subscription copy though to make it easier for some people.

Nothing will change, and this may be good for people who don't want to spend a lot at once for an OS. $10 dollars a year for Windows? - I will spend 5 to 10 dollars on lunch every day, not very economically draining to go subscription.

It really depends on how much it will be per year. A typical Windows OS is around $100 on Amazon, so it could be $25 per year for 4 years, or $20 dollars per year for 5 years. It's all up in the air right now though. I think it would be fantastic for gamers doing system builds, spending 10$ now instead of $100 when you buy a $600-$800 system, or even office PC's. As I said, it's how much they plan to charge. There are pros to this, but people seem to see it as Microsoft doing evil when this can benefit lower class folks who need a copy, and don't want to spend a chunk of change at once.
I can say that Gabe Newell is really a visionary man. Steam that support linux, SteamOS to host all of your Steam games, completed with the news of subscription based Windows. Perfect! Hello you beautiful Ubuntu which I'll dual boot with SteamOS in the coming years.
Wait I am still on 7 and only now barely thinking of 8 as I build another new system. Now 9 is around the corner? Damn - too bad since I would love a new install of 7 over 8. FU Microsoft - I am really starting to hate you guys (and touch sucks for us gamers and our machines).
That's not true at all touch is great for sex games and love machines! BAZINGA!!!!!!
I can say that Gabe Newell is really a visionary man. Steam that support linux, SteamOS to host all of your Steam games, completed with the news of subscription based Windows. Perfect! Hello you beautiful Ubuntu which I'll dual boot with SteamOS in the coming years.
I'd rather have Debian variant myself #! CrunchBang #!
Requiring logging in to the Windows Store to activate means the activation process won't be anonymous anymore. Each Windows 9 machine will have personal information tied to tracked by MS.
I was opposed to subscription models in general, until I saw what was being offered with the Office 365 Home subscription - that won me over (granted, by cutting down the standalone Home edition to just 1 license they made the subscription model appear more appealing). On that basis, I'll wait and watch before I criticize Microsoft - they might pull off an Office 365, or they might botch it like the new Xbox.
Requiring logging in to the Windows Store to activate means the activation process won't be anonymous anymore. Each Windows 9 machine will have personal information tied to tracked by MS.
Not true, you can log in and get free apps with no personal details required, the only personal details are when you store credit card details for paid apps. But, seeing as I bought my last version of Windows 8 with a credit card anyway, I think they already know who I am. Plus, where is your moral outrage for tracking private individuals when Android broadcasts your location, or the Street View cars slurp your wifi and email, or Gmail scans all your communications to target you with adverts? Perspective, please.
Windows Store requires your Microsoft Account to login, since the dawn of time I have been able to create an anonymous Hotmail/Live/Outlook email account and that serves its purpose. If you a particularly paranoid, wear a big hat and make the account at an internet cafe.
don't think paying a recurring fee will be the only option to obtain Windows 9. I'm sure there will be an option to pay full price, I'm pretty sure the OEM versions of Windows 9 won't work via subscription. Imagine buying a new PC and then paying a recurring cost right after you paid for the damn thing...
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