Russia and China

I don't trust the Australian or Chinese government, nor any government in the world.

You can trust some part of it, but not all. This is just how a government is.

But as a country, you are likely to trust a country out of patriotism.

So I trust Australia and China as a country but not trust both government completely (actually close to no trust for the current government in China).
I don't agree with all the decisions of my government. There are some seriously corrupt and broken pieces of the system. That's the nature of politicians (most are crooks).

However, I have faith in the US government as a power, as mostly fair, as recognizing rights of people, and as having good intentions in most international conflicts.
After all the articles I read about the Russian election, no way I would trust the government over there. Using government money to run your re-election campaign is about as corrupt as you get.
I wish there were more like you in the U.S. Who are loyal and trustworthy.Not phonies like our politicians.
When you have an established system of checks and balances, it's more likely to be stable and fair, then with something like dictatorship. All it takes is a bad nut at the top, and it's game over. At least with a checks and balances system, the bad/mediocre/good nut is kept in check somewhat.