Question RX 570 won't post after undervolting?

Jul 18, 2024
Hello, I'm posting this thread on behalf of my friend whose blower-type RX570, after undervolting, won't post. He said it was fine at first and then the monitor seemingly disconnected from the gpu although the HDMI is still plugged in. It's worth noting that the card fans, on startup and in idle, was spinning. Now, it won't anymore. The fans at one point (after disconnecting) was spinning at it's max speed, but nothing happens, no display or anything. I assisted him and did the following:

- reseat the card
- switch PCI-E cables
- clear CMOS

Did the undervolting brick his card?

This is the card.
Last edited:
Jul 18, 2024
how did you do the undervolting? did you flash a modified VBIOS to the GPU or just by using a tool in windows (eventually which tool)?
He was using adrenalin I'm pretty sure, and no vbios modification was done. The drivers were just recently updated too


Apr 19, 2024
Or you can boot in safe mode, and use Display Driver Uninstaller - a software created to remove drivers and all traces from registries.
Just keep in mind when you are in safe mode and the computer announce you to restart computer - unplug your network cable from computer to prevent windows to install generic drivers from net.
Restart computer
Install your desired drivers and restart computer again.
Now you can plug back your network cable.
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Jul 18, 2024
Hello, I have tried all the given solutions, on the first try the gpu fans spun at max speed, the second attempt it booted to windows but only for a few seconds then it went out again. I also noticed that the gpu fans turned off the same moment the display went out, and it's supposed to always run even at idle.
Jul 18, 2024
Okay I have solved the issue now by doing the aforementioned steps, I just needed to hard reset my pc several times for it to happen, but it's okay now. Thank you for the help!
Jul 18, 2024
Okay I'm reopening this thread, yesterday when I booted it it was fine, and today I'm running into the same issue. I already uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers to no avail, the card will shut down in the middle of something like browsing chrome. It also will display for a few seconds on startup then it will turn off. I don't know what's happening rn