RX580 cooler needed!

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Aug 4, 2018
I need a cooler for my MSI RX 580 ARMOR 4G OC. The noise levels are way too high and I need a better cooler as I reach 75-80 while gaming. Any compatible coolers you guys recommend?

Should I turn to liquid cooling my GPU?
You would need an NZXT Kraken G10 GPU bracket. Newegg used to have them directly, but now there's just 3rd party sellers on their that have them available. You could probably find one for a decent price on ebay.

Once you have that bracket, you can attach whatever AIO water cooler you'd like to throw on it.
You would need an NZXT Kraken G10 GPU bracket. Newegg used to have them directly, but now there's just 3rd party sellers on their that have them available. You could probably find one for a decent price on ebay.

Once you have that bracket, you can attach whatever AIO water cooler you'd like to throw on it.

Shoukd I turn to liquid cooling or find a fan solution?

I am thinking to buy a arctic accelero, however I’m not sure if the clearance will cause any issues (pic below)

The top heatsink of the GPU cooler is 23mm do you think I’ll be ok?

ARCTIC Accelero Twin Turbo III Graphics Card Cooler with Backside Cooler for Efficient RA


Do you think adding more 60-70 CFM fans to my case will help with the temps?
Better airflow?

Two https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XXY95CP/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 blowing air towards components in the front for intake, one https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Pressure-Circular-Anti-Vibration-CL-F038-PL12BU/dp/B00VRKVGP0/ref=pd_sbs_147_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00VRKVGP0&pd_rd_r=NZEA60APP607MGD2213H&pd_rd_w=lBKXz&pd_rd_wg=dFeTV&psc=1&refRID=NZEA60APP607MGD2213H 120mm for rear exhaust, one top 120mm stock exhaust fan.

Honestly I don’t think I have the right fams for the job. Do you think replacing my front intakes with 70 CFM 140mm fans and replacing top with 140mm 60 CFM fan, and replacing rear with a high CFM fan as well for exhaust?

What is the best set up? What CFM range should I purchase to make sure I obtain my goal of cooling my GPU?

Also if you don’t mind, does this look normal for my GPU https://imgur.com/a/tnHFpo0

Case specs: https://imgur.com/a/2ZA8Gm0
The fans on the front of your case need to be blowing inwards if the rear fans are blowing out. That way it provides cross ventilation and helps cool the system better. The top fans of course should be blowing up(out) and the bottom case fan should also be blowing up.

The best quality/longest lasting fans are the Cougar Vortex: https://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=cougar+case+fan&N=-1&isNodeId=1

I personally have 7 of these in one of my desktops: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA85V36V6261&cm_re=cougar_case_fan-_-35-553-001-_-Product

Do you think replacing my low CFM fans with 60-70 CFM fams would help a lot?

Also by the looks of my GPU functioning/wattage/etc is everything normal? Usually runs around 70 degreees.

Undergaming, however I don’t u derstand your suggestions for my fan setup, I have two front that blow air in, and one exhaust on top and back. What do I change?

How should I go through with fixing my setup? I have two intake fans in the front and two exhaust in the back

As I said earlier, you have the front fans blow in(instead of out). the rear fans should already be blowing out so you don't have to adjust those. You basically just need all fans blowing in the same direction.


This is how I have it setup right now. The only fan blowing in another direction is the top fan blowing air out.

Question from waynelugames : "Corsair H115i PRO or NZXT Kraken X62?"

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