I'm looking to see if anyone has any experience with what I suppose is a small boost in memory frequency at just +600MHz.
I wasn't planning on changing my mainboard or CPU just yet, as I've not seen any evidence to show that there would be many gains, though i'm open to any other thoughts.
In regards to the RAM, with the infinity fabric from the Ryzen i've seen reports that higher memory frequency gives pretty good performance boosts in certain games.
The Mobo QVL doesn't have any 3200HMz listed, or I would go for that; i'm limited to Corsair Vengeance LPX as my Rad doesn't allow for memory any taller.
I'd be really interested to hear anyones thoughts or experiences with the same motherboard and processor.
I wasn't planning on changing my mainboard or CPU just yet, as I've not seen any evidence to show that there would be many gains, though i'm open to any other thoughts.
In regards to the RAM, with the infinity fabric from the Ryzen i've seen reports that higher memory frequency gives pretty good performance boosts in certain games.
The Mobo QVL doesn't have any 3200HMz listed, or I would go for that; i'm limited to Corsair Vengeance LPX as my Rad doesn't allow for memory any taller.
I'd be really interested to hear anyones thoughts or experiences with the same motherboard and processor.