Question Ryzen 2600 heat and edc problem


Jul 10, 2019
I've been using the Ryzen 2600 since July and I more than satisfied. However I have been using the stock cooler because I want to buy an aio cooler (Corsair i115 platinum or something like that). Yesterday I changed my case and I also changed my cpu coolers fan curve because it was really loud. I changed it to something ok in my opinion (because I want it to be quiet) and then I opened Ryzen Master to see the temperature (keep in mind that I changed the thermal paste from the stock amd to arctic mx-4 because I had it and I thought it was better). Today I started playing and the fan was really loud, not only did the fan curve reset but when I changed it again the cpu ran really hot 80 C while playing and 60 idle . Also my power supple is really loud, the fan is running always and the cpu in ryzen master for some reason is always on 86% ish out of the 90A for the EDC section. Also the CPU is always turboing. What do I do is there a problem??

P.S. I changed the CPU fan curve from APP Center which is a gigabyte program and from the bios of a Gigabyte B450m pro wifi i whic is running a bios form 25/1/2019


Jul 10, 2019
Try and test if the CPU is over boosting by setting a fixed voltage and fixed clock and testing the temps and tell us the temps.
the cpu is staying at 3800 mhz on all cores when playing games and the edc is on 99% which is normal, however when not doing anything the cpu is still turboing sometimes.Like core 1 will be at 3700 and then 2 will be at 3400 and then the other ones do the same