[SOLVED] Ryzen 2700X Not Stable X470 Can't Adjust VCore Voltage

Nov 11, 2018
Long time lurker. I recently added liquid cooling to my build and was wanting to try and push the 2700X. I have a Masterliquid M240L keeping really low CPU temps, at base (3.7GHz) It never goes over 51C or so.

The problem I am running into is that whenever I set the clock to 4.1Ghz or higher I get an unstable system despite temperatures never rising anywhere to where they could be a problem.
I understand I should be increasing the VCore voltage on my BIOS, but even with the latest version it does not give me the option to. Using Ryzen Master seems very impractical, and even then, it will often crash when running 3D Mark or Cinebench.
Any ideas on what I could or should be doing?

CPU: Ryzen 2700X

Motherboard: Aorus X470 Gaming 5

Memory: G.Skill Aegis 16GB 2 x 8GB DDR4-2400 PC4-19200 CL17 Dual Channel


Thanks in advance. I have spent hours looking up youtube videos and reading threads here but I can't seem to find the right method, especially since my BIOS doesn't give ]me the option to change the core voltage.







Ok, so what do you mean by "not giving me the option? Is there no setting with a value listed for the core voltage? Have you dug into the sub settings? I have a feeling maybe you are simply not familiar with making changes in the bios. Some bios settings have drop down menus you can select from. Others you must enter a value by typing it into the setting field AND it may NOT appear as though your cursor is active in that field once you click into that field.

If it is allowing you t enter a value and simply is not effecting the change, it may also be that you need to hit enter after making a value change in any given field for it to be implemented AND also choose to save bios settings before you exit.

If you simply cannot FIND the...
Everything you need to know is located here:


And here:


If using the methods outlined there do not work, then there is a problem with your motherboard but I suspect it's more a case of simply not having the right settings selected to allow manual configuration of the vcore.

OMG. Now these look good. Thank you! Will report back.
Everything in the guide is more or less what I had tried, but one thing I keep running into is that neither the bios nor the easytune are giving me the option to adjust the core voltage. They both show it to me but I don't see anywhere I can adjust it. Both are the latest versions.
Ok, so what do you mean by "not giving me the option? Is there no setting with a value listed for the core voltage? Have you dug into the sub settings? I have a feeling maybe you are simply not familiar with making changes in the bios. Some bios settings have drop down menus you can select from. Others you must enter a value by typing it into the setting field AND it may NOT appear as though your cursor is active in that field once you click into that field.

If it is allowing you t enter a value and simply is not effecting the change, it may also be that you need to hit enter after making a value change in any given field for it to be implemented AND also choose to save bios settings before you exit.

If you simply cannot FIND the core voltage setting, then you are probably looking for the wrong setting. You have to keep in mind that from one manufacturer to the next, and from AMD to Intel, there might be seven different names and ways of identifying the same setting or value. Why they can't get the nomenclature completely standard across the board is a pet peeve of mine, but they don't, so there it is.

One motherboard might call the memory voltage something like DRAM voltage while another calls it vDIMM. Confusing for sure if you aren't familiar with the idea that what you read in a guide might be slightly different and that googling that setting for your exact motherboard model or at least for the manufacturer and platform, might be necessary as well.

Now, if none of this is news to you and you have the setting at hand but simply cannot enter a value there in order to change it, even if you click into the field and type, then that is either the result of another setting such as manual rather than auto on the cpu configuration type (For example, not specifically in this case, necessarily) needing to be first changed in order to open up the ability to change the core voltage or an actual problem with the bios itself.

It's also possible, I'll have to take a look, that actual manual changes to the vCore are not possible and you must use offsets to change core voltage.