Question Ryzen 5 1600 with a 2080 Bottleneck

Oct 21, 2019
Hello, I was just wondering if a Ryzen 5 1600 (OC'ed to 3.75) and a Rtx 2080 will create a bottleneck. I'm trying to play titles like CS:GO, OW and FN at 240fps on 1080p.

Underclock CPU? So if your GPU is very strong, but being held back at 1080P in minimum FPS by the CPU here and there, the lower CPU clock speeds will do....what? :)

I'm not sure the 1600 has the 'stones' for 165 Hz gaming as a rule, but, CS:Go is not all that demanding from what I've seen... YOU can always test it, and if happy, you are done. If not, plan your 3700 acquisition...
I get 300fps output from an i7-3770K and gtx970 at ultra settings, the 1600 is equitable at 4 threads or less and better in upto 8 threads. So shouldn't be an issue pulling well over 240fps.

Never heard of a true 240Hz monitor. Last I heard they were all 120Hz monitors using a doubling circuit, so faking the last 120 frames, same way as the old plasma Tv's were 600Hz, but not really.

You are looking at bottleneck as a thing, it's really not. The cpu will pre-render as many frames as it can per second and ship that to the gpu. Just because the gpu is capable of more doesn't mean the cpu is holding it back, just means it's capable of more in that particular game. Drop that 2080 on a 4k monitor, no bottleneck, it'll behave similar to my 970 at 1080p.

As fps is set by the cpu, different games will respond differently. My skyrim gets 60fps, only because the 170 scripted mods put the hammer to anything more. Vanilla I get over 180fps.

Bottleneck? No, you just have more power in the 2080 than any cpu can use at 1080p.
Hello, I was just wondering if a Ryzen 5 1600 (OC'ed to 3.75) and a Rtx 2080 will create a bottleneck. I'm trying to play titles like CS:GO, OW and FN at 240fps on 1080p.


Yes. On resolutions like 1920x1080p, the CPU tends to be the bottleneck to higher frame rates with top tier cards. CS:GO is a much older game. You want the fastest MHz core you can get. Faster cores, not more cores is the answer here. Look towards Intel's 5Ghz models.
No OC on a i5 6500.

Here's what I don't get. You say you want 240fps gaming because you have a 240Hz monitor? But realistically you can't tell the difference between 150fps and 250fps. Most ppl find it difficult, if not impossible to tell the difference between 100fps and 150fps. Just what is fps to you?

So are you just chasing a benchmark? Because you'd probably get all 240fps out of a 1660ti and 9700k across any of those games at decent + settings.