Question Ryzen 5 3600 max turbo boost OC

Jul 29, 2024
Hey, I would like to ask, if there is an option to overclock this CPU the way that it boosts higher then out of the box max turbo boost? I'm currently running all core OC 4.3GHz at 1,3V but I don't like it because I don't need this performance all the time and it's unnecessary load for the fans and pc overall. I only need it when I play more CPU demanding games like World of Warcraft or Kingdom Come Deliverance. So my question is: is there a way to let my CPU behave as out of the box so it will run most of the time 3.6GHz base frequency but it will boost more than default 4.2GHz during turbo boost? Btw I'm completely new to OC so keep it in mind during explanation please.

My specs are:
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
Cooler: Noctua NH-D15
RAM: DDR4 3200MHz


Simple: Remove the CPU OC completely and let the CPU itself to decide when it needs to boost the frequency up or not.

but it will boost more than default 4.2GHz during turbo boost?
There is a reason why turbo boost goes up to 4.2 Ghz and not 4.5 Ghz or 5.0 Ghz on R5 3600. If you want the CPU frequency to be more than what max turbo can do, you have to manually OC it, like you've already done. But this removes the "on demand" or "adaptive" frequency changes which is default mode of the CPU.

But if you absolutely need 4.3 Ghz adaptive turbo, then upgrade your CPU. E.g R5 5600X has base 3.7 Ghz but can turbo up to 4.6 Ghz,

Or any other Ryzen 5000-series CPU, who's turbo clocks are to your likening,