[SOLVED] Ryzen 7 2700X Extreme throttling

Jan 25, 2020
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X cpu cant even reach its base clock speed. Idle running at around 2.7GHz but drops to around 0.6GHz when doing tasks as simple as opening up a new web page. Temperatures are cool and nothing else is running, it seems the more load it receives the lower the clock speed drops?

Havent messed with any over clock settings or anything of the sort.

PC Specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
GPU: AMD R9 290X Saphire
SSD: Samsung 840 Evo 250GB
Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3000 C15 2x8GB
PSU: Corsair CX 600M

Any recommendations are strongly appreciated, thanks.
Thanks. You have the summary mode displayed there which is limited.
Can you restart the program and click the 'sensors only' checkbox to get the full info.

Also check that your Windows Power Plan is on Balanced and not Power Saving.

Your BIOS probably wants updating too as yours is dated July 2019 so there will be a newer version on your manufacturer's website.
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Thanks. You have the summary mode displayed there which is limited.
Can you restart the program and click the 'sensors only' checkbox to get the full info.

Also check that your Windows Power Plan is on Balanced and not Power Saving.
View: https://imgur.com/cGQiyOV

This is what it shows for the cpu, it says its at 95 degree but ive currently got the side of the case off and nothing running for the past hour other than this chrome tab.
Power settings is set to performance mode in windows and i updated the bios just today to try and fix this issue.
That is way too hot and it's reaching the maximum temperature limit hence the throttling of its speed.
Your CPU fan should be running flat out at that temperature.
You probably need to re-seat your CPU and make sure you apply the thermal paste properly.
There are plenty of tutorials on youtube if you are not sure how to do it.
That is way too hot and it's reaching the maximum temperature limit.
Your CPU fan should be running flat out at that temperature.
You probably need to re-seat your CPU and make sure you apply the thermal paste properly.
There are plenty of tutorials on youtube if you are not sure how to do it.
I will reinstall the cpu with fresh paste,I dont understand how it can be running so how when nothing is really being demanding, just on the desktop.
I will reinstall the cpu with fresh paste,I dont understand how it can be running so how when nothing is really being demanding, just on the desktop.

If you have temperatures this alarmingly high and there's no overclock, there's basically two options:

  • Broken cooling solution
  • Improper installation

A heat sink and fan are very basic things, they remove heat through very basic physics. If the cooler isn't broken and it's installed correctly, it can no more fail to work than a calendar or a sundial.
If the CPU isn't making proper contact with the cooler then it can lead to very high temperatures.
Your voltages are all fine so it's not that.
View: https://i.imgur.com/Qj79Ylo.jpg

Well I'll be damned, when I took the Side off and went to remove the CPU cooler I noticed the entire top bracket has somehow snapped. Leaving the cooler hanging ever so slightly away from the CPU. Thank you heavily for the help, I've been racking my brain for around a week to try fixing the issue. Completely reinstalled windows, redone all drivers but for some reason I never once thought about the cooler. Huge dense moment from me, guess I was just overthinking the issue.