Question same socket cpu upgrade from the Phenom II x4 810?


Dec 5, 2018
What is the best same socket cpu upgrade from the Phenom II x4 810? I am running an old Frankensteined Gateway. It is slower than... I have started a new build using the latest better suited AMD or Intel cpu and will finish when they both finally start delivery of real chips not failed and prices stabilize. Until then I am staying with old slow and not real reliable hoping to upgrade the cpu for a song and a dance for a possible 50% speed increase. That should take me from desert tortoise up to iguana speed. Thank you in advance for your suggestions, even the one I already received to use a .357 hollow point.
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Yeah, unfortunately, the OEM motherboard (I'm presuming they didn't use an aftermarket considering it was Gateway and the time frame) might be an additional source of issues. Companies of this era loved locking out CPUs that would have otherwise worked from their proprietary motherboards.

Without specific documentations, I probably wouldn't try a 125W CPU (Gateway's pre-builts were hardly overengineered) and stick to the 95W CPUs to maximize the odds of compatibility. So I'd look for Phenom II X4 955 (non-black and you have to make sure it's the 95W not the 125W one), a Phenom II X6 1055T (again, look for the 95W one), or a Phenom II X6 1065T (thankfully, these are all 95W).
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You both nailed it and verified what my research was starting to show. A $30 i5-4570 on a Gigabyte board with 16gb memory will take it's place. I would like to finish the scenario some day, but it would be a waste of time plus I plan on recycling the board soon anyway, Not my expected result, but a far better machine. Thanks for the information for a redirection.
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Wish I had been able to be even more specific. Sadly, the documentation for OEM motherboards is a giant garbage fire, so there's a lot of guesswork involved in these situations.

I'm gald you'll get something you'll be happier with even if you didn't complete this project. One of my rigs from that timeframe has a Phenom II x4 965 black and it was such a fun little CPU at that time, so I felt some wistful nostalgia here!
Since my last post life has changed fast and always gets in the way of fun. I will use my i5-4570 for 6 months or until it gets boxed up. I am hoping the boxed time is short but could be up to 2 years or longer as we sell 2 properties (one for a 200% loss) and pick up one or two more 1000 miles apart (kids). Meanwhile I will be running an i7 laptop that I may be able to squeeze a little more speed out of. Just not enough video capability to run my 50" 4k TCL and the 28" Ultra Wide. They will be packed as well. Nothing like going from a larger suburbia property to a travel trailer and a 4X4 truck. Probably try a few more tricks on the laptop, maybe a more accessible cpu. Though it is scrambling my life, I will be getting out of an HOA. This will give me more time to play instead of manicuring my desert scape front yard to pass inspection. I haven't moved in 33 years until a few months ago and it looks like I have two more moves to go for a total of 3 in one year. Good luck with your pc's.