That would be a start. If Vout is shorted to ground, then you would need to remove the e-fuse and retest for shorts. If the short then goes away, the e-fuse is the culprit. Otherwise we would need to look further.
View: would be a start. If Vout is shorted to ground, then you would need to remove the e-fuse and retest for shorts. If the short then goes away, the e-fuse is the culprit. Otherwise we would need to look further
ok so I finally ended up cracking the thing open. Images attached, I suspect the eFuse is the black square in the top left of the second image in this link (let me know if im wrong). in the third image, i am showing my multimeter probe next to the board, im wondering if i need a thinner probe to actually take these readings accurately take readings as the pins on the board are much smaller than I had anticipated. Or does it not matter if the probe is touching 2 of the vout pins for instance, when im taking the reading. This is the first time im messing around with something so small and fragile like this so I apologize for the confusion haha