The problem with you idiots having your happiness dependant upon a company (like Apple) failing is you're stuck on a roller-coaster. Unfortunately, for every news story that gives you a lift there are bound to be two more than piss you off. The net result is you keep descending further.
Case in point. Just one day after this news story came out about HTC it was revealed that the actual inventor of the LTE patents HTC is suing Apple with has claimed in court that he doesn't know enough about the patents to even determine if they are valid. Imagine that, the inventor of something doesn't even know if it's a valid invention. So say this is bad news for HTC is an understatement.
Oh, and also in the news late last week is Samsung lost in their case before the ITC against Apple. Apple was found to not be inviolation of four patents Samsung brought against them.
Hold on, here's another one. Apple won a preliminary injunction against Motorola Mobility in Germanyover their "rubber banding" patent. This now makes three different countries and courts that have found this patent valid.
How many more times does Motorola, Samsung, HTC and others have to lose before you people take off your blinders and realize that maybe there's been some copying and infringement going on? Are you going to whine about conspiracies and bribing of judges? Is this how you live in the real world? When something doesn't go your way you come up with bizarre reasons why things happened so you can continue to deny reality?