but the monitor has an S, and was made in tianjin China, which from other screenshots of actual S monitors i've seen, have originated from there.
Hmmm.. Well - my "C" panel was made in Tianjin, China as well - maybe it's an "S" Panel in disguse then?
On another note - I've had this C Panel for about a month now and I'm happy with it. I did have to trade the first panel I bought (also a C) in due to a couple of bad pixels. They opened the box in the store and did a dead pixel check with me right there. No dead pixels.
Once I got it home - yes the colors are pretty bad out of the box. However, I found several ICC profiles out on the web - and with a little tweaking, etc., the monitor is truly awesome. Maybe it's me - but it seems to get better as I use it more (burn in anyone?).
With regards to backlight bleed - I have a little across the bottom (dark room / black background - not noticeable at all in a well-lit room). I do NOT have the magical "H" bleed that some people have with other C panels.
Yes there are minor annoyances that I have with the monitor (compared to the CRT that I used to use). The one true problem I did have with the monitor is that it does flicker with the VGA connection to both of my laptops. However, once I used the DVI cable instead - the flicker goes away.
In either case - Overall I believe that this whole S/A/C panel debate is really stupid.
Yes - if you placed the monitor variants side-by-side and pointed out the minute differences, then you'd probably say the S is the king of the bunch - maybe...
Bottom Line - if you're interested in the 226BW - buy it from a store that's willing to take it back if you're unhappy with it. Take it home - hook it up - and take it for a test drive.
Try to calibrate it - take some time to try and adjust it to your liking and ignore all of these posts on the 'net regarding which is the "better" panel.
Even by the individual reviews of the A/C/S panel I've seen that were calibrated and compared side-by-side - if you take into consideration that while there is a difference between the 3 versions of the monitors, each of the monitors are *STILL* better overall compared to the rest of the competing 22" monitors out there with regards to the measured results (Color Delta, True Color, etc.). If you're the type of person that's going to let the panel debate affect your view of your monitor - then don't even bother with it.
BTW - to add fuel to the fire - I just read another post on another forum stating that the S Panels *only* come from a manufacturing plant in Slovakia - so let the debate continue...