Question Sapphire HD 5830 with only one power cable


Jul 1, 2019
this might apply for all gpus but i was wondering if i really need to have two 6 pin cables plugged in?

right now if i try running it on one power it wont display.
is this because the card is dead or not?

i tried the gpu on my b450m and it wont boot at all, im guessing its since the gpu is very outdated.
Yes. GPU power cables are not optional.

If your PSU is of such low quality that can't even supply two 6-pin PCIE cables, it's a PSU that should never even be connected and turned on with this GPU.

Hard to say more considering you're basically asking a PSU question while telling us nothing about your PSU.
Yes. GPU power cables are not optional.

If your PSU is of such low quality that can't even supply two 6-pin PCIE cables, it's a PSU that should never even be connected and turned on with this GPU.

Hard to say more considering you're basically asking a PSU question while telling us nothing about your PSU.
Hey im sorry if i havent handed enough information, the PSU is an 80Plus bronze from an OEM Acer Veriton machine,
if you are telling me that this PSU might cause the issue ill happily invest in a better one.
An actual image of the PSU would be ideal, but if it's an Acer of that era, it's most likely very low-quality Logisys-made garbage. Probably a good thing you can't power on a card that uses upward of 150W of +12V power. Definitely stop trying to make this work and explore better PSUs, though you'll have to check if this if the motherboard is proprietary (if the PSU is connected by a 24-pin motherboard connection and a 4 or 8-pin CPU connector, it's probably ATX).
An actual image of the PSU would be ideal, but if it's an Acer of that era, it's most likely very low-quality Logisys-made garbage. Probably a good thing you can't power on a card that uses upward of 150W of +12V power. Definitely stop trying to make this work and explore better PSUs, though you'll have to check if this if the motherboard is proprietary (if the PSU is connected by a 24-pin motherboard connection and a 4 or 8-pin CPU connector, it's probably ATX).

the motherboard has a 24 pin and a 4 pin CPU i used a molex to 6 pin adapter since the powersupply doesnt have its own 6 pin

the mother board is a gigabyte h61m-s1 rev 2