Sapphire radeon 9600 pro atlantis problems


Dec 27, 2003
Well i am new and i am not sure what can or is supposed to be posted here.

Basically i got a new motherboard ASUS A7V600 and new graphics card Sapphire Radeon 9600 pro 128mb for Christmas. I am having a terrible time with them and i have tried literally everything i can find on the net and from Sapphire themselves.

I'm not alone in this problem and with desperation kicking in, i wondered if this was a place where people might know the answer to the problem?

I'll give more details if i am in the right place, but basically max payne 2 crashes. Oh boy does it crash, it's the only game i have tried, but i hear others are having similar problems with other games. I either get "18k/0hz frequency out of range" or "VPU recovery" depending on what i have enabled. I have tried multiple drivers, visual settings and even turned down to 4x, instead of the 8x i paid for, with no real change. Sometimes it crashes within minutes and other times it crashes after 30 mins. Also there is no IRQ conflicts as far as i can see. Drivers at this moment are 3.10 ati catalysts, but i have tried 3.6, 3.7 and omega drivers too.

The only things that are left to my knowledge are flashing my motherboard's bios, but i have no floppy. Also i hear this is unlikely to be the problem. Also the cpu temp is up at 55 degrees often, when the same chip was at 29 degrees on average on my crappy ECS board. Overheating may be an issue and i will apply more thermal paste, but that seems a little unlikely.

My spec is as follows:
Asus A7v600
Sapphire Radeon 9600 pro atlantis 128mb
512 mb ddr ram (crucial) pc 2100/266mhz
Amd Athlon xp 2200 Thoroughbred
2 40 gig maxtor hard drives 7200rpm (the slave hard drive has it's own graphics from my previous card radeon 9000 pro, this couldnt be an issue could it? Max payne is on the other drive though)
cable modem 600
17 inch monitor, philips, capable of 60-90 hz refresh rate and 1240 x 1024 resultion
MaxPayne2(demo) crashed on me also before I replaced my motherboard. It was a big crash too. It wasnt my video card, but it may have been a memory error I was having, or from running the timings to tight.

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