Saving Tarhiel



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You undoubtedly know of Tarhiel, the falling mage on the road from Seyda
Neen to Hla Oad. I wondered if there somehow might be a way to save him and
if it would be worthwhile to do so. The answers are Yes and No.

With my foreknowledge of where Tarhiel would be, I deliberately didn't go
that direction. I'm playing a custom mage class, so I went to Balmora, met
up with Caius Cosades and joined the Mages Guild. After running around
doing quests for awhile, I went to Sadrith Mora and bought the SlowFall
spell from one of the mages there. (I'm running the Adventurers 3 mod, so
you might not be able to get the spell there). After learning the spell, I
went to the Imperial Cult guy downstairs and used the Spellmaker to make a
version of Slowfall 20 points for 5 seconds on Target with an 11-foot
radius. 5 seconds really isn't a long enough duration, but for a first
level character to have a chance of success, the duration can't be too long.

Armed with my new spell, it was back to Seyda Neen to try to save Tarhiel.
I saved the game just prior to approaching the clearing where Tarhiel falls
from the sky. It took several attempts, since my mage only had a 64% chance
of casting the spell successfully. I finally managed to hit Tarhiel with
the spell and he floated down for a few seconds, until the spell wore off
and he plummeted to his doom. Try again. Long story short. After several
more failed attempts, I finally hit Tarhiel with the spell and then hit him
with it again as he floated down. He landed without a scratch on top of his

Ah! Success! Well, I had to see what Tarhiel had to say. The answer: Not
much. When you try to talk to Tarhiel, all he says is "I don't want to talk
about it." with a red Goodbye as your only option. I tried getting naked to
see if that would elicit a conversational response. Nope. What an ingrate

Bottom line, you're better off just letting him fall and taking his stuff.


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> Ah! Success! Well, I had to see what Tarhiel had to say. The answer:
> much. When you try to talk to Tarhiel, all he says is "I don't want to
> about it." with a red Goodbye as your only option. I tried getting naked
> see if that would elicit a conversational response. Nope. What an
> snot!

Hah! For some reason, I'm reminded of the bit from the movie Groundhog Day,
where the main character keeps saving that kid who falls out of the tree.
"You have NEVER thanked me!!" Almost makes me want to mod the guy to
actually give some kind of reward to people crazy enough to try that.

Another probably little known trick like this that Bethesda actually did
acount for is Edras Oril, the guy studying kagouti mating habits north of
Suran. Normally when you do this quest, odds are the two kagoutis attack
you before you meet the guy, and you have to kill them to save your skin.
But there's another way to do it. If you use Invisibility or Chameleon, you
can sneak past the kagoutis and save the guy without harming them. You get
a better reward for doing it this way. I'd have never even guessed this was
possible, if it weren't for the fact that I've been making my Improved
Followers mod, and I had to alter the script for every character that
follows you in the game. The hardest part about it is that you need to cast
Invisibility or Chameleon on BOTH yourself and Edras, so you'll probably
need to go to a Spellmaker to make it possible to cast the spell on others,
because I don't think you can do it with any of the default spells or items
that give you this ability.


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Some time between the hours of March 10th and Friday, "Clyde Spicer"
<> committed the following:

> You undoubtedly know of Tarhiel, the falling mage on the road from
> Seyda Neen to Hla Oad. I wondered if there somehow might be a way to
> save him and if it would be worthwhile to do so. The answers are Yes
> and No.
> (Slowfall snippery's snuffling snoot)
> Ah! Success! Well, I had to see what Tarhiel had to say. The
> answer: Not much. When you try to talk to Tarhiel, all he says is "I
> don't want to talk about it." with a red Goodbye as your only option.
> I tried getting naked to see if that would elicit a conversational
> response. Nope. What an ingrate snot!

Apart from shoes, you remember that underneath that robe, he's NAKED?

Probably just too embarrassed to talk to you...
Rev. Cardboard Box, money exorcisms a speciality
"Nothing wrong with that 20 or 30 hard blows with a waffle iron
wouldn't cure. Don't let the Con define your tools, push the
envelope." - Hellpope Huey


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Darrel Hoffman wrote:
> The hardest part about it is that you need to cast
> Invisibility or Chameleon on BOTH yourself and Edras, so you'll probably
> need to go to a Spellmaker to make it possible to cast the spell on others,
> because I don't think you can do it with any of the default spells or items
> that give you this ability.

Actually there seems to be a "feature" with this in that if you can't be
seen nor can your companion. I remember using the amulet of shadows to
sneak the kidnapped son out of whichever Redoran manor it is in the
quest - because no one could see me, they didn't notice the other guy
following me either.


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> > The hardest part about it is that you need to cast
> > Invisibility or Chameleon on BOTH yourself and Edras, so you'll probably
> > need to go to a Spellmaker to make it possible to cast the spell on
> > because I don't think you can do it with any of the default spells or
> > that give you this ability.
> Actually there seems to be a "feature" with this in that if you can't be
> seen nor can your companion. I remember using the amulet of shadows to
> sneak the kidnapped son out of whichever Redoran manor it is in the
> quest - because no one could see me, they didn't notice the other guy
> following me either.

In this case, however, the script specifically checks Edras to see if he has
the Invisibility or Chameleon effect on him in order to give you extra
credit for the quest. So while you may be able to sneak past the kagoutis
without killing them, you won't get a special bonus for it unless you cast a
concealment spell on both yourself and Edras. At least, as near as I can
figure from the script. I've yet to actually try this in a game.