Saw this from Dave in B3D


Feb 18, 2003
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

That type of thing has already happened. Have you heard of the problem with the water shader in Tiger Woods 2003? It works on NVIDIA's boards, but not any others. Evidently there is a device ID detect in there - if you change another shader enabled board to an NVIDIA device id it runs the NVIDIA shader, not only that but it runs it fine - change the device ID of an NVIDIA board to a non-NVIDIA board and it breaks. Ask EA who wrote that shader code.
Interesting... :wink:
so they are PURPOSEFULLY causing it to not run on non-Nvidia boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i never liked EA, but this is just too much. nvidia probably payed them to do this also.. why cant something be done about this. making hardware seem faulty when its not , youd think there would be some kind of general law that would apply to this as well


<A HREF="" target="_new"> come to THGC chat~ NOW. dont make me get up ffs @#@$</A>
Seriously that explains the anomaly that I had brought out here as a potential driver error.. At least I know it wasn't Catalyst maker's fault.

I freakin' hate ANY hardware specific code. How the heck are people like Matrox supposed to get back in the game with crap like this going on?

I'm dissapointe din one of my favourite developers (hey NHL98 was the first game that MADE me take notice of what I was running on my system, I love that game).

Freakin' Sad!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
When I first read about the deal between EA and Nvidia, I had a sense of foreboding. Turns out my feeling is right. This can only be bad news for the video card market.

As each day goes by, I hug my 9600Pro just a little tighter.
Can't ATI make an anti-trust case against nVidia or whatever the Supreme Court did to Microsoft over the whole IE compatibility problems. I thought American law made it illegal to do something like that.
No anti-trust is about competition, not about deception. And it's definitely not the case here, as it's likely one of the most competitive market segments around. This isn't collusion between producers (ATI and nV) it's a question of marketing and exclusivity. It's just like if Exxon made a deal with GM to sell gas to GM car owners at a discount to the price hey charge everyone else, or even to only offer ultra-supremo-cleano to GM owners and leave the rest to the 'normal' High Grade. It happens in alot of fields.
There may be a case for consumers for false advertising with regards to the DX9 fiasco and such, and there likely is the very real threat of a class-action suit (heck if they did it over $100 IBM hard drives, $400 G-cards should be a slam dunk). But definitely no possible suit over this.

The real threat to EA and nV is the loss of potential customers. And as an Owner of every EA NHLXX since '96, I think I may skip this year and write a little note to EA warning them not to pull that kind of crap in NHLXXXX or I will switch to the competition in a heartbeat.
So that's it, No NHL 2004 for me this year regardless of their response. Their response will determine my buying 2005 or any other future version (or maybe wait for the sale bin after playing SEGA or 989 all season). :frown:

Forget crap like that, this is unacceptable if that is what EA did. 😡

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
I've always enjoyed EA's sport games, but this is just stupid. Oh well, time to fire up direct connect and whip out the 'ol no-cd crack

As each day goes by, I hug my 9600Pro just a little tighter.