Scam or Counterfeit Devices

Sep 7, 2024
Has anyone ever ended up with a scam device? I have seen phones, computers, TVs etc. ship with nefarious production elements. You can break them down to find scanners, cameras, recording devices, and transmission devices that are not supposed to be there.

It seems to have to do with scam groups that are also breaking into people's homes because these scanners and cameras can show when somebody is home or asleep.
since i don't stray from known entities to buy my stuff, it's never happened to me. :)

every report i have seen starts with "hey a (insert expensive item here) for less than half what it's supposed to cost. never heard of the store and the site is a known scam hive, but i'll give it a shot anyway...."

so many people want $2000 parts on a $500 budget, that they are easily suckered into thinking they can actually make it happen. if people would just get what they can actually afford, the scammers would need to find something else to do.
seems to have to do with scam groups that are also breaking into people's homes because these scanners and cameras can show when somebody is home or asleep
it's unlikely that items with this sort of spyware would be sold online and shipped cross-country or internationally.

someone based in Asia, or even a few hundred miles away, isn't going to be able to make use of your comings & goings in Chicago, Illinois.

but, anyone purchasing these types of cheap items pretty much gets what they deserve.
one looking to pick up stolen goods, or those even avoiding proper taxes or import fees, always takes this sort of risk.

besides that blowing any warranty options, or even return options, makes the purchase pretty much a gamble anyway.