Scientist: Immortality, Superhumaness in 20 Years

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I like the way they don't cite anything more specific that "Nanotechnology" as the answer to all our prayers. We're in the very early stages of research into nanotechnology, and it will be 20 years before we can maniuplate things effectively at the nanoscale. If people are going to make wild claims, it's high time they started getting more specific.
So they, scientist think they can outsmart God and reverse his curse on us and live forever.
Good luck to all of these idiots, you can't beat God.
[citation][nom]Regulas[/nom]So they, scientist think they can outsmart God and reverse his curse on us and live forever.Good luck to all of these idiots, you can't beat God.[/citation]

If there actually is one...
Nano bots will most likely kill off most of the human race before they make us live forever.

We as humans have a fairly predictable technology cycle:
1. Invent
2. Weaponize
3. Commercialize
4. Revolutionize (for those that remain)
I imagine I'm not the first to notice but I'm not reading through all 4 pages of comments to see...

"Superhumaness"??? I looked through the entire article looking to see if it related to only females. This was a pretty bad grammar error... I mean WhoTF does not know that humans is the plural of human and I can't see how a spell-check could miss that... You really need to hire an editor with better grammar to double-check all of the articles.
Can just see it now..

Tom's Guide Overlocking your $3m mainstream Brain on a shoestring[/b]

'Whilst the liquid nitrogen in combination with unlocked multipliers allowed our subject to acquired 200x IQ improvement, it wasn't without consequence. The next we returned to witness what looked like the remains of a Delorian and a flux capacitor. According to reports the vehicle was last seen headed towards the Industrial Revolution.'
All this unless all the wealth and initiative to develop this is sucked into the Washington D.C. black hole of Congress by a Democrat health care bill. Let's face it, to do this top notch medical technology is required. How is this going to happen if, in one of the countries leading this research, Great Britain, where it takes over a year just to get an X-ray, much less have your body rebuilt with nanotechnology and the Democrats in the other major country doing this research, the United States, is trying to make it just as bad here in the United States. It might be possible, but if the Democrats in the U.S. get their way and it continues to be the same in Great Britain, it won't be covered by the government run health care programs and you won't be able to afford it, and the researchers won't have enough money to conduct the medical procedures to do this due to the government stealing all the money to give to the poor.
it would mean he thinks he'll live forever!
Well, good luck mr scientist!
[citation][nom]metroboy69___[/nom]Assuming that castration goes along with it, this is NOT going to help the overpopulation problem... Besides, over a long enough timespan, you have 100% probability of dying from something other than old age...PS: I assume that none of you christians/muslims/jews would be signing up for this, since "god" is going to give you "eternal life" anyways, right?[/citation]

Castration? It hurts just thinking about that! LOL
[citation][nom]bungee91[/nom]Religion will f*** this up from ever becoming a reality!..Think back to the first heart transplant, stem cells, etc..."Your playing god"....LOL.. Stupid religious fanatics can go suck it![/citation]

[citation][nom]Camikazi[/nom]He could have phrased it better, but he is right, Religious fanatics form all sides will oppose, take this to court, try and get this type of tech killed off cause it does not fit with their view of the world. It's happened before and will happen again.[/citation]

Ignorance on display above. They have no idea what they are talking about. It just looks like alot of religious bigotry to me. How can they say it doesn't fit in a Christian's world view when they don't know what a Christian's world view is or at the very least don't understand it at all. So, since you two are soooo smart, tell how this contradicts a Christian's world view? Does a Christian oppose artificial limbs or mechanical implants such as heart valves, things that are already being done yet no one NO ONE is opposing. See, statements like posted by the people above are based purely on ignorance and bigotry. There is a difference between replacing body parts with man made mechanical parts and killing human beings before they are born just to harvest the biological material, which is what EMBRYONIC stem cell research does, as opposed to adult stem cell research or umbilical cord blood stem cells which Christians approve, but the Christian haters comments here are probably to ignorant to know about or to even know there are different sources of stem cells.
[citation][nom]tburns1[/nom]Gattica ...Seriously, where would we flush all the poop?[/citation]

The Federal Reserve. They're good at hiding things, apparently. I bet there wouldn't be any shortage of funding on their account, either..just think of all those lucrative, corporate contracts. Yeah, it's about helping the sick and poor, isn't it..just like it always has been. It's just a matter of whether you them the first or last..I think most people know the answer to that already, judging by the state of the world.
For all the anti-Christian commentators here, the first heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard in South Africa. His father was a Church Pastor and his mother played the organ in the church. That means it is very likely that the first heart transplant was done by a CHRISTIAN. It makes sense because no other people would be that interested in helping people more than Christians, who give more to help more people than any group world wide.
um, anyone remember 2001: A Space Odyssey? We'll its almost 2010 and I've yet to meet HAL. So I'm pretty sure immortality won't be here in time for 2030 to roll around. lol, crazy writers.
[citation][nom]Redraider89[/nom]For all the anti-Christian commentators here, .....snip..... It makes sense because no other people would be that interested in helping people more than Christians, who give more to help more people than any group world wide.[/citation]

How many crusades did the world suffer for 'Christians'? How many cultures/civilizations have gone extinct/near extinct because of 'Christians'?

'Christians' have caused more death/destruction than all other historical reasons combined. Not even adding when the 'Christian' left nuts start armagedon for 'Gods' return.

Religion = humanities one true enemy.........
[citation][nom]yamagiru[/nom]How many crusades did the world suffer for 'Christians'? How many cultures/civilizations have gone extinct/near extinct because of 'Christians'? 'Christians' have caused more death/destruction than all other historical reasons combined. Not even adding when the 'Christian' left nuts start armagedon for 'Gods' return.Religion = humanities one true enemy.........[/citation]

Sorry, humanity is humanity's one true enemy. For it is people who kill people. Reality check dude, no-one has ever seen God, Zeus, or Bhudda or any other deity come down from the sky and kill anyone.

So, atheists, theists, it doesn't matter. It is always people who start wars. Cause if it really is "God", or whatever, that starts wars, that would imply that "He" or "It" must exist in order to start something. But if "God" does not exist, how can something that does not exist start a war, if in fact, it does not exist at all?
I guess in 20 years I'll be seeing articles on this site about how enthusiasts are overclocking their penises to new heights. The big question is: Will it be the AMD or INTEL builds who get the best benchmarks?
Guess we'll find out in a couple decades...
[citation][nom]yamagiru[/nom]How many crusades did the world suffer for 'Christians'? How many cultures/civilizations have gone extinct/near extinct because of 'Christians'? 'Christians' have caused more death/destruction than all other historical reasons combined. Not even adding when the 'Christian' left nuts start armagedon for 'Gods' return.Religion = humanities one true enemy.........[/citation]
Although I disagree with your final sentence, and you have a fact or two wrong, thank you for putting 'Christians' in quotes! Real Christians don't go around telling people to convert or die. There's more to Christianity than merely assuming the label. After all, most major movements have their fanatics who end up so crazy that their actions go against the movement's original purpose.
If people spent more time understanding why we die then they would also find that the answer to everlasting life on the earth is from the person who created us in the first place!!
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