Hello, I recently bought a used motherboard for my x5650. My graphics card has worked fine in my other system but when I put it in this build, Boom, artifacts. I tried a different gpu and had the same problem. I also tried all the pci-e slots and different ram slots, is it my motherboard and could it be my cpu? I also tried different sticks of ram to make sure that was not the problem. What could cause this? The artifacting happens on certain colors and shades.
My specs:
Asus p6x58d premium
2x4gb patriot sector 7
x5650 @stock and I still have the problem
Pny gtx 580 xlr8, I also tried a 9500gt I had laying around
1tb western blue hard drive
600w rosewill vllens psu.
My specs:
Asus p6x58d premium
2x4gb patriot sector 7
x5650 @stock and I still have the problem
Pny gtx 580 xlr8, I also tried a 9500gt I had laying around
1tb western blue hard drive
600w rosewill vllens psu.