Screen bugging out (GPU or monitor fault?)

May 22, 2018
Hey guys. I have built my PC half year ago and havent had any problems since few weeks ago. I have noticed that sometimes when I turn ON my pc, the screen bugs out and is unable to fix itself unless I unplug the HDMI cable and plug it back into GPU multiple times till it finally fixes itself. After i run my pc this problem does not occur but if I turn it OFF and back ON again there is a chance that my screen will freeze again. I am very confused as I have never heard anything simillar before. Uploading a picture of my bugged monitor as well.
Could it be my monitors fault or gpu??

Yes i have been trying different ports of HDMI on my GPU and its still the same. If i keep unpluging and plug HDMI again eventually it fixes the issue so yeah i guess it could be HDMI but what could have happened to it thats confusing 😀