Screen tearing without v sync vs. low frames with v sync


Jun 24, 2013
Hi guys, I've got a bit of an issue where if I turn off v sync in most games I get very bad screen tearing but high frames, whereas if v sync is on the tearing disappears but I get very bad frame drops (down to 15/20 sometimes). V sync seems to lock my fps at 50 which is the Hz of the TV I'm playing my games on, but there's no reason for my game to be dropping so low and so frequently when it's on, eg. without v sync Bioshock Infinite can run at up to 80 and never really drops below 60 frames. Is there any way that I can lock my frames at 50 so they won't drop below or rise above (eliminating tears)? Or would buying a higher Hz monitor mean being able to play without v sync and tearing? GPU is an XFX AMD 7870, cheers.


Jan 17, 2013
As far as i know, there's no way to lock FPS, since the minimum is determinated by your hardware power. Anyway, you can try a FPS capper software, instead of VSync and see if it works better.

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