Question Screen trouble

Sep 10, 2019
I don't know what happened my pc screen suddenly went to no signal and back to the desktop view very rapidly it's either the graphics card or the adapter from the monitor to graphics card i am in need of info of which ones at fault graphics card is gtx ti1050
Provide FULL and complete PC specs.

-1. "Complete" system specs should ALWAYS be accompanied with any driver, hardware, or performance question. Do not post DXDiag reports as they contain a TON of useless information. Posting a DxDiag in place of a System Spec List tends to ward off potential members from helping you.

Please supply the following system details/information:

(Complete System Specs)
-CPU make and model# (clock speed/voltage, type of cooler, and "Core" temperature @ idle and load)
-Motherboard make & model# (include Bios version if graphics card is not recognized or you are having stability issues)
-RAM (amount, clock speed, model#/link of kit, configuration)
-Graphics card(s) make and model# (clock speed, voltage if modified, Driver version and GPU temp both @ idle and load)
-Power supply make,model#, "AND" age (note if using 110V or 220V A/C input)
-HDD/SSD configuration (ie: Raid setup/ back up/ OS drive/etc..)
-Case/Chasis make,model# (fan make, model#, and configuration if having thermal issues)
-Operating System (If using Windows note Framework and service pack version)
-Monitor make, model#, and resolution (If model# is unknown list resolution and refresh rate)

*If the unit is a "laptop" or "All-in-one" system you must note the make and model# of the unit. Be sure you are ALWAYS using the OEM/manufacturer's Driver updates for the unit.

*If "Crashing":
-Note the nature of the "crash" in detail, as there are several definitions for the word "crash".

*If "performance" related issue:
-Note the "exact" point in which the performance reduction occurred (ie: After Windows update, After Bios update, After Driver update, After thermal system shutdown, After Hardware change/upgrade etc...)

*For diagnostic purposes please disable the following:
-Any/all Antivirus/ Anti-malware software
-Any/all OSD monitoring software
-ALL overclocks outside of factory spec