Seagate Cloud Storage Backups Unavailable for 2 Weeks

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May 6, 2013
"But everything is going to the cloud", I've seen people decree.

Have fun with that. I'm going to keep my data in my own house and backed up off site, where I can access it in case of fire, etc.

If you want something done right, do it yourself.....


May 20, 2012
You would leave your personal information in a book laying around, but sending it to a company that can keep it safe for you makes sense? But the worse thing is not having access to your data when you need it, because the internet, their internet, or anywhere in between is down. Oh, and don't forget the cloud is the solution to turn owned-software into owned-licenses, where you don't own any product but the right to use it, as they see please.

Ban the clouds, please.


May 6, 2013

Actually, many of us are having a *lot* of fun with that. I'm with several of you on one front - I keep all of my data double backed up - at least - on hard drives in my house. I also have all of my most important things double-double backed up on flash sticks, one of which I keep in my wallet.

That being said, cloud storage with streaming options and seamless application access is *bloody handy* in a lot of situations, and just plain fun in others. When I'm on the go I can access all of my movies, comics, and work documents without having to pack a portable hard drive around - all I need is wifi and I'm all good. In the event of a fire or theft, I have copies of all of my data somewhere outside of my house.

Everything on the cloud? Heck no... That's putting the integrity of your date in someone else's. Conversely, everything double - or even quadruple - backed up in my home? One fire and it's all gone, unless you're stashing a backup of all your stuff in your friend's place or something.

Thinking the "everything on the cloud" philosophy is problematic is best is fine, but don't pretend like it's not a *very* useful tool. I would hate going back before Google Drive and Skydrive at this point.


Jun 5, 2006
"large amounts of storage space for a fraction of the cost you'd pay to buy it yourself"

Uh, isn't it vastly more expensive? Or am I just extremely out of date on these things?
The Cloud is indeed convenient, but it has a price. I would never put anything in "The Cloud" that I would not assume will someday become public knowledge, regardless of what any privacy policy says today. I would never think of putting any vital data only in the Cloud, even if I don't care who sees it, because of the possibility of interruption.
It's a tool, and while it may be nice to have for some things, it isn't the right one for every job, nor is it good to use alone.


Oct 10, 2013
I put all my clients onto Zetta cloud backup ( ) and I've never had a problem with them. They even overnighted a 3TB drive for a client who's data center was flooded during hurrican sandy.
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