Search/Indexing process in Windows 8.1 fails to start.


Jul 24, 2014

Link to screen shot:
I tried to get Windows 8.1 to index files on my secondary HDD to those files can show up on the search results through Windows Explorer on when I use the search fields on the start screen or start button but I have not been able to find a solution. I even reformatted the HDD to NTFS again to no avail.

I then changed the volume letter for the HDD from B to A, hoping it would something but all it did was create a new problem. When I try to edit the indexing options, all the fields are blank. When I go to advanced settings, the area that says Index Location: Current location is blank and new location is also blank and I am unable to edit them. Also, it mentions that Indexing is not running. When I go Services and try to start up the Windows Search Index, I get error 3 that pretty states that it can't find the specified path. How can restore the settings and finally get Windows to not just search my SSD, but my HDD also?

For the indexing locations, I selected the C: drive, but I also added the secondary HDD to be indexed and had Windows rebuild the index, but it would still show search results on the C: drive only. When I tried looking for files on the HDD through Windows Explorer, I would always get no results.

I just changed the HDD volume drive from A: to E: but I am still getting the same experiencing issues.