I just found an old 'turbo button' LED display with a bunch of jumpers on it.
The jumpers are 15x4 and are labeled across the top row as 1A231C231E231G2.
Does anyone have old data sheets/instructions on how to set these things?
A long long time ago, but I can still remember, how that music used to make me smile... <A HREF="http://www.nexus.hu/zonix/DIGGER.MID" target="_new"><b><font color=blue>Digger rulz</font color=blue></b></A>
The jumpers are 15x4 and are labeled across the top row as 1A231C231E231G2.
Does anyone have old data sheets/instructions on how to set these things?
A long long time ago, but I can still remember, how that music used to make me smile... <A HREF="http://www.nexus.hu/zonix/DIGGER.MID" target="_new"><b><font color=blue>Digger rulz</font color=blue></b></A>