Sequestration 2013

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Which is why we are in the state we are in for the Union.

No one wants to compromise. No one. The moderates who make things happen have been driven out by political extremists and our government is being run by terrorists!

We have 16.45 Trillion USD in debt owed as of right now and it is remaining constant....however, thank goodness. Yet, if Congress makes NO ACTION, there will be a consequence. I do not really care if it is to raise revenue on me and reduce subsidized public systems, just show the world we really care for our national finances! by 2016, we will be in 22 trillion dollars worth of debt, according to the CBO.

Hopeflly you guys will read this and not jump to the whole," well, it is because of ______ person, or these ________ policies!" I hate it. I absolutelly hate it! Read it and weep:

Also, we do not have the highest effective tax rate both by income and capital gains:
Why are people becoming so extreme is the question? Each wants to go in the complete opposite direction with everything. The common ground has all but disappeared.

On the Right, they feel they are targeted and being attacked. On the left, they feel their issues are not being addressed and their agenda is moving slow.

For reference:

I am not against abortions. I don't think any tax money should supplement abortions though.
I am not against gay 'marriage.' I'm all for whatever you want to call it. Marriage, to me, is something between you, another person, and God.

The left does a great job of demonizing the right. If both sides would stop to rethink their presentation I think we would be far better off.

In fact, the Right needs to touch base with the hispanics. They're hardworking good people who want to do better for themselves. I'm not saying amnesty, I'm saying make the work visa easier and longer and provide a path to citizenship.

Are you calling me cheap? Haha good one!

You never provide any real reasoning chunky, only this is wrong because the constitution says its wrong or this is against the founding principles. Using political terms in a derogatory manner to begin every comment IS detrimental to having a real discussion. I can't take any of your posts seriously when your view is strandled with biast opinions to all other perspectives.

Let me help you out with the BIG picture. There was 13 million less votes in 2012 than there was in 2008. Obviously this is the piece of information that gives the real perspective. Even with the drastic drop in voting numbers the Obama base was still enough to overcome the republican base. Look at every single minority grouping and they voted in favor of Obama. The only group he lost was white males, a shrinking demographic. What does that tell you chunky? When looked at with a logical unbiased perspective?

Now on to the real facts that you overlooked when cherry picking numbers from the presidential general election:

Total popular vote for the house election in 2012:

Democrat 53,952,240 - 50.26%
Republican 53,402,643 - 49.74%

House members after the 2012 election:

Democrat 201 - 46.21%
Republican 234 - 53.79%

I really hope that you can understand what these numbers mean without me having to explain them to you. Progressive talking point my ***.

Not sure how you got the inference that I was calling you cheap. I have no clue what your spending habits are like...I can only presume that you do not know what the popular culture vernacular of "peanut gallery" means.

See, this is where you and I completely diverge. I believe, rightly, that the United States is a nation of law and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that if it is not spelled out in the Constitution, then it is not within the purview and powers of the Federal government, i.e.; it is wrong and/or an usurpation of power from the People for the Federal government to exercise any power not granted to them by the Constitution. This is why the Constitution was written, why the verbiage and prose was specifically chosen, to spell out what powers are given to the government by the People and that all other rights and privileges are reserved to the People. It does not take a scholar to read the Constitution, but it does take some intellectual maturity and wisdom to understand and apply the principles spelled out in it.

Given you have never stated a clear position on what believe the Federal government can or can not do, but have clearly stated that you agree with the current Administration's abuses and disregard for the Constitution, I can only interpret your position as being someone who does not understand why the Constitution limits the powers of the Federal government and the founding principles of our representative republic.

Please provide a link to the source of your numbers above. I have been unable to find any site that duplicates the numbers you cite.

Regardless of the numbers, it does not change the fact that Democrats gained 8 seats in the House. In your previous post you stated...
Just like you completely overlooked the fact that even though more people voted for democrats, more republicans were sent to the house. You can't comprehend this idea so you spew forth some nonsense about the states doing their constitutional duty! seems to me that if more people voted Democrat, which you claim and the numbers support, then it is logical that the end result is they gained 8 seats in the House.

My "nonsense" about State's doing there duty was actually NOT about the States, it was a comment about the Congress redistricting for the 2012 election as a result of the 2010 census; which is their Constitutional duty.

Like I said before, don't confuse a progressive with facts when their mind is already made up.

This is getting pathetic. When faced with facts with which you can easily look up you resort to ignorance. Then you use the argument that the fact that Democrats gained 8 seats to somehow rebuke the fact that the system has been rigged. They should of gained a hell of a lot more than 8!

Here is the popular vote numbers :

If you couldn't find the breakdown of the seats in the House then I don't know what to tell you.

"The false logic here is that just because more people voted for Democrats does not automatically mean they get the majority of seats in the House"

You say this and then say the House is most representative of the people in previous posts. WTH? This CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY shows that there is a broken system of representation of the people in the House. The PEOPLE voted for a democratic House. The PEOPLE voted to end the gridlock. What they got was another 4 years of republican obstructionism because of a systematic failure in our voting system.

Confuse a progressive with facts? You have your head stuck in the sand and then try to tell me about facts? This is about one simple thing, you refusing to accept that people that share your political views would take advantage of the redistricting system to retain power. Look up the imbalance between the popular votes and the number of seats, it hasn't happened as bad as this election cycle in a long time. Its abhorred to think that this could happen in America.

Go ahead and try and explain how redistricting explains the disparity between the popular vote and the amount of representatives sent to the House. It will be interesting to see how you think that some people having more representation than others is the way it was meant to be.

Funny, in a represenative republic, aren't the people responsible for putting the government in power? By arguing that you can't trust the government, therefore, you are arguing that you can't trust the people who elected said government. Taken to the obvious conclusion, you can therefore make the argument that Democracy in this country has failed.

Let me help you out. First off, Obama got 3.6 million LESS popular votes in 2012 than he did in 2008, while Romney got 938,000 MORE popular votes than McCain did in 2008. If anything, that shows a swing in the electorate towards Republicans than it does a swing towards Democrats. And, no, more Republicans were NOT sent to the House in 2012 compared to 2008, the Republicans actually lost 8 seats to Democrats. So again, its only by skewed progressive logic does Democrats gaining 8 seats in the House equal more Republicans sent to the House.

First and foremost, I note you totally opposing logic for your first two sentences.

Secondly, you miss the point on the House: Combined, House races has more Democratic votes then Republican votes. Yet, despite the fact Democrats received more votes in House races, they have LESS representation in the house of congress that is supposed to "represent the people". Thats the result of gerrymandering, not the will of the people.

See, this is where you and I completely diverge. I believe, rightly, that the United States is a nation of law and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that if it is not spelled out in the Constitution, then it is not within the purview and powers of the Federal government, i.e.; it is wrong and/or an usurpation of power from the People for the Federal government to exercise any power not granted to them by the Constitution. This is why the Constitution was written, why the verbiage and prose was specifically chosen, to spell out what powers are given to the government by the People and that all other rights and privileges are reserved to the People. It does not take a scholar to read the Constitution, but it does take some intellectual maturity and wisdom to understand and apply the principles spelled out in it.

Lets highlight the Constitution then, shall we?

Taxing and Spending Clause:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
The biggest ruling on this clause was in US v. Butler:

The clause confers a power separate and distinct from those later enumerated [,] is not restricted in meaning by the grant of them, and Congress consequently has a substantive power to tax and to appropriate, limited only by the requirement that it shall be exercised to provide for the general welfare of the United States. … It results that the power of Congress to authorize expenditure of public moneys for public purposes is not limited by the direct grants of legislative power found in the Constitution.

In short: Congress has the ability to pass a tax to pay for any act that has the net effect of being in the US's general interests.

Next up: Necessary and Proper:

The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Emphasis mine. Combined with the Taxing and Spending clause, this explicitly allows the passing of any law or act that is in the best interests of the nation as a whole. Landmark case, of course, was McCulloch v Maryland:

This fundamental case established the following two principles:
The Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional national government.
State action may not impede valid constitutional exercises of power by the Federal government.

Then of course, the Commerce Clause:

[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes;


There is a massive irony to the people who claim "You can't do it if its not explicit". Lets look at the explicit powers of Congress, shall we?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

A few minor points here: No mention of an Air Force for one, so obviously, that must be unconstitutional under your interpretation to the Constitution. Neither is there a clause allowing for the purchase of land from a foreign nation, so you must argue the US is limited to just the original 13 states + DC. Heck, you can even make the argument that because the Articles of Confederation gave no mechanism for it to be overturned, the Constitutions itself is illegal for conflicting with the Articles of Confederation!

Its the first of these clauses that gives Congress its power, and the courts have routinely upheld this point throughout US history. The people arguing otherwise, more often then not, could not be US citizens if their viewpoint was correct. Hence why no decision ever has referenced the 10th Ammendment, which is understood to have no power whatsoever, as the states rights are limited, due to the clauses above, to what is explicitly given to them in the Constitution.

Hence why the ACA decision was such an interesting one. I think its clear to everyone Roberts only wanted to chuck the individual mandate, but there wasn't the votes for that decision, so he had to choose to either chuck the entire thing, or keep the entire thing. He basically threw both sides a bone: He ruled the General Welfare clause, by itself is not enough for the US government to force commerce with private business (I do note: This leaves open the possibility of a public option). But at the same time, arguing the court must look for a reason to uphold the law, even if its not the argument being made (basically, punting the issue at hand), ruled that the powers granted to Congress under the Taxing and Spending clause do give Congress the power to tax for NOT engaging in commerce. EG: It would be illegal for Congress to make not purchasing health insurance a felony, but it is NOT illegal for them to tax you for not getting insurance (Unhealthiness tax). [Frankly, this was the way I always thought the law SHOULD have been argued in the first place, and I'm glad Roberts came to the same conclusion on his own.]
Also, a few other points to be made. For one, it is illegal for the President NOT to spend money appropriated by Congress. (Supreme Court rules against Nixon in 72). The President has VERY little power to spend or cut spending, as the allocation itself is handled by Congress. So I always find it funny when people argue "Obama's spending problem", especially when the House is responsible for passing the budget.

Speaking of which, passing a budget is one of the Constitutional duties of Congress, one that has not been upheld in recent years. Just saying, what happens when one branch of the government simply ignores the Constitution, and the other doesn't press the issue?
To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

So, since this too is as open to interpretation as any of the rest, according to some, does this mean, using the term uniform, that its pointed towards nations, its peoples, and the amounts from which they come?
Giving broad sweeping answers isnt whats needed here, and precedence and our history must be included for full interpretations of said things.
Dont use something for a long time?
It gets applied differently than the initial interpretation and acceptence of its original intent.
Do we then simply ignore our past, our understanding of such things, and push forwards without thought and considerations of these things?

I have a feeling theres been a fundamental change of acceptence of many of these things, Ive seen them in my lifetime, and that, you simply cant change or deny
gamerk316 wrote:
Secondly, you miss the point on the House: Combined, House races has more Democratic votes then Republican votes. Yet, despite the fact Democrats received more votes in House races, they have LESS representation in the house of congress that is supposed to "represent the people". Thats the result of gerrymandering, not the will of the people.
They have less representation because they lost so many in 2010. Not all of the house seats were open for election. They lost so bad in 2010 that the few more votes they had in 2012 could do little to change the majority.
That was the will of the people.
Although the sitting U.S. President's party usually loses seats in a midterm election, the 2010 election resulted in the highest loss of a party in a House midterm election since 1938.,_2010

So, we have a totally different set of elected officials in 2012.
Now, think about elections.
How do the numbers stack up?
OK, first of all, you have encumbants, which traditionally have a higher chane of reelection.
Next, unfortunately, you have race, which favor a certain party over another.
Then you have demographics, where you find race a larger factor in cities, not as much in smaller towns and in the country.
So, going by this, since contested elections are actually contested, and each area gets its district votes for that district, the varying vote count can be extreme.
Go into the inner city, see if any quoted mere, small, wimpy 1% lead of dems over reps exist.
I dare you to waste your time.
Now, add up those disparities over an entire nation, and then having such great disparities shows how weak and non diverse the dems actually are.

What Im trying to point out here is, by saying a certain party as not being diverse is a way of saying no party, and especially in these days, with their attitudes, deserves a 97% vote from anyone group of peoples.
Theres something wrong right there, and yet we scoffed at the USSRs leaders, and their abilities to pull these kinds of numbers.

We all need to look around, and find those leaders not affiliated to a party as much as affiliated to US
Just some info to spur some thoughts:
Obviously spending has not panned out for the GDP.
Oh yes. The senate correctly reflects Americans. They just want to skip the checks and balances system.
Although the government spends a lot and the deficit may not cause inflation, but the unregulated federal reserve is a great threat to the value of the dollar. And the fact that the Obama administration is thinking about coining 1 trillion dollar platinum coins and putting them at the disposal of the fed is ridiculous and very frightening.
Chunkymonster replied: See, this is where you and I completely diverge. I believe, rightly, that the United States is a nation of law and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that if it is not spelled out in the Constitution, then it is not within the purview and powers of the Federal government, i.e.; it is wrong and/or an usurpation of power from the People for the Federal government to exercise any power not granted to them by the Constitution. This is why the Constitution was written, why the verbiage and prose was specifically chosen, to spell out what powers are given to the government by the People and that all other rights and privileges are reserved to the People. It does not take a scholar to read the Constitution, but it does take some intellectual maturity and wisdom to understand and apply the principles spelled out in it.

Given you have never stated a clear position on what believe the Federal government can or can not do, but have clearly stated that you agree with the current Administration's abuses and disregard for the Constitution, I can only interpret your position as being someone who does not understand why the Constitution limits the powers of the Federal government and the founding principles of our representative republic.
It is very telling to me that you did not respond to the above exchange in your last reply. If anything, this omission solidifies my belief that you do not have a working knowledge of the Constitution and have not formulated an educated position on what you believe to be the proper role of the federal government. While I very clearly stated my belief and position on the Constitution and the role of the federal government, providing an opportunity for you to offer yours, the (Freudian?) failure to respond to the above exchange wholly explains why you consistently reply with...
You never provide any real reasoning chunky, only this is wrong because the constitution says its wrong or this is against the founding principles.
...when I cite the Constitutional restrictions placed on the President and Congress. After all, if you don't understand the Constitution and the limits it places on the federal government, then I will no longer expect you to comprehend my support and belief in the Constitution. As I said and will continue to say, don't confuse a progressive with the facts when they've made up their mind.

Well, in your typical failure at reading comprehension, what I stated was...
Please provide a link to the source of your numbers above. I have been unable to find any site that duplicates the numbers you cite.
Do you see the difference there? I could not duplicate your numbers or even find any website that was anywhere close to the numbers you posted but then I realized why after you posted the link to the article. Seriously though, you lose major credibility points for citing an article entitled Why Americans Actually Voted For A Democratic House from Really now, did you even try to cite a legitimate source of information or did you copy and paste the first thing you found without reading it? I mean c'mon now, I would have given you credit for citing, Politico, wikipedia for credible election results, but an article on, OH PUH-LEEZ! Again, I can't take your posts seriously if that's the best you can do.

The above two paragraphs were negated of any rational thought by you starting out your response with...
the fact that the system has been rigged.
Aww snap! I knew there was a reason, the system is rigged! The Democrats got more popular votes and gained 8 seats in the House! But because you don't think it was enough, the system must be rigged! Hahahaha! Again, it's only by skewed progressive logic that Democrats can get more popular votes, gain 8 seats in the House, and then fail to understand why they don't control the House. Hahahaha! Progressive logic is the epitome of ignorance.

Quit crying about the Democrats gaining 8 House seats. If the system is truly rigged by Republicans, then they did a pretty crappy job of it because the Democrats GAINED 8 HOUSE SEATS! So, instead of complaining about the Congress performing their Constitutional duty to redistrict after the decennial census, how about you quit whining about gerrymandering and obstructionism, actually learn about the mechanics of our republic, apply logic and rational thought, and gain some knowledge on why THE DEMOCRATS GAINED 8 HOUSE SEATS!

You are right about one thing...
This is getting pathetic.
Truly though, what's pathetic is that you seemingly have no educated or formulated position on the Constitution, the proper role of the federal government, spew progressive sentiments about the system being rigged, and fail to cite a credible sources when attempting to forward your argument.
Thank you mjmjpfaff!

Let's face it, the liberals/progressives/democrats will probably be rehashing the same tired argument in 2016 because they will have forgotten about all the Senate and the House seats they lost in the 2014 mid-terms.
Thankfully, they poop canned the idea of coining the platinum.

Treasury, Fed kill idea of $1 trillion platinum coins to avert debt crisis.

It's an indication of just how bad the idea was when both the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department decided to kill the idea. I think it also demonstrates that the Federal government has a spending problem and not so much a revenue problem

It also shows just how desperate the current Congress and Adminstration are getting when you learn that the $1 Trillion Platinum Coin: Yes, It Really Originated In A 'Simpsons' Episode. Hahaha! Enjoy that!


I'm even more dumbfounded chunky agreed with him, knowing how wrong he is on this one.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Essentially means that any powers not denied to Congress via Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution are not given to Congress.

That was the entire point of section 9; the place explicit limits on the powers of Congress. Using a strict constructionist argument, that entire section would be redundant.

See US v Darby:

The amendment states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered. There is nothing in the history of its adoption to suggest that it was more than declaratory of the relationship between the national and state governments as it had been established by the Constitution before the amendment or that its purpose was other than to allay fears that the new national government might seek to exercise powers not granted, and that the states might not be able to exercise fully their reserved powers.

The 10th Amendment has almost no standing in law. Its been used to strike down laws a handful of times in this nations history, as other clauses (Generally the Commerce Clause or Taxing and Spending Clause) give the Federal government wide-ranging powers.

But of course, even though even conservative courts routinely disagree with your own viewpoint, that won't stop you from calling every act of Congress illegal on 10th amendment grounds.

I also note you have failed so far to post a response to my critiques from my previous post. I'm REALLY interested to hear:

A: What state you live in (Because the Constitution says NOTHING about buying land)
B: Support our current levels of Defense spending (Because the Constitution says NOTHING about an Air Force)
(I could REALLY go on a binge here; Defining Marriage? Denying abortions? Where are the explicit clauses for those powers? Strict constructions have VERY little understanding how badly they'd undermine their own agenda if they were right (which they're not)).

Oh wait, you support those items, so I'm sure you'll find SOME reason to be a broad constructionist because it suits you.
The Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010 with a vote count difference favoring Republicans of 5.7 million votes.

The Democrats gained 8 seats in 2012 with a vote count difference favoring Democrats of 1.3 million votes.

Do you mean to tell me that you are unable to understand why the Democrats do not control the House after getting 4.4 less votes in 2012 compared to 2010 and recovering only 8 of the 63 seats lost in 2010?

Do you mean to tell me that you do not understand that effects of redistricting as a result of the 2010 census?

The only reason you are dumbfounded is because you are thick headed.


RIGHT...I've already shown revenue/GDP is down 5% from pre-2000 levels. And that about $200 Billion or so of lost tax revenue is due to the recession. Nope: Spending problem!

You cut spending, you cut revenue even faster. Europe is a prime example of this. Hence why I went bonkers when spending was reduced in the 2010 budget, forced by Republicans, which lead to a -2.5% GDP rate, leading to Republican victories that year in Congress.

If anything, we need more spending (similar to what China did, when they spent $2 Trillion, up front, to make the recession go away) to get the economy back on track, restoring tax revenues as a secondary effect. Only once the economy is back on track should the spending problem to tackled.

You are really stupid when it comes to numbers, you know that right?

In 2010, the party with the MOST VOTES won the MOST SEATS.
In 2012, the party with the MOST VOTES won the FEWEST SEATS.

Secondly, your analysis of the numbers is horrid, claiming Democrats got fewer votes in 2012 then 2010?

Current vote totals for 2012 (subject to change somewhat):
Republican: 58,283,036
Democrat: 59,645,387

For 2010:
Republican: 44,593,666
Democrat: 38,854,459

Now, if I were as bad as numbers as you are, I would try and spin the 20 Million more votes Democrats received this time around. But I won't, because mid-term elections played a role.

My point is this: If the House of Representatives represents the will of the people, as you claim, then why is the party that received the most votes (and thus, preferred by the people) NOT running the House? Given how redistricting is supposed to be based on no other factor but POPULATION, this is a result that, mathematically, should happen under very rare circumstances. Though I'm sure you will continue to spin things in such a way so that you can rationallize why Democrats should not be running the House.

You are basically one of those people who sees a number, and posts it as the absolute truth without even trying to understand it. Or posting blatently incorrect facts (Not every house seat up). Because it "validates" your viewpoint. Now, if you want to have a discussion about the numbers and what they represent, fine. But I will not sit here and let blatant falsehoods fly. Got it?
A previous post was correct, your ego is tied to failed Keynesian principles.

Let me propose the following scenario. You own a home and have a family. As that family grows it costs more to maintain your standard of living. After several years you become comfortable and no longer care about how much you are spending. But something happens, you lose your job and go on unemployment which is equal to half your full time income. You experience a loss of revenue. As a result you are at the threat of defaulting on your mortgage, the bill collectors are knocking at your door, and your standard of living is quickly declining. What do you do?

Is your solution then to borrow money from the bank to make up the revenue difference between unemployment and your previous salary in order to maintain your house and lifestyle? Or, do you cut back your spending to match that of your unemployment benefits so you can keep your house and not default on your financial obligations?
I am not at all surprised that you fail to understand why the collective gains and loss of seats between elections, and the recent redistricting results in the republicans maintaining control of the House. I bet it you also find it hard to rationalize the fact that there are 4 instances in America's presidential election history where the winning candidate did not receive the majority of popular votes but did win the 270 electoral votes.

In an effort to help you make sense of it all, please research the Huntington-Hill apportionment methodology, the apportionment paradox, as well as consider the fact of the population migration between States since the 2000 census, the fact the Democrats are concentrated in the urban and minority districts, and entertain the idea that some State's lost seats in the House and some State's gained seats in the House.

What really surprises me is that you seemingly act like this is the first time this has ever happened; or it could just be that you are finally old enough to be politically aware that this situation is possible. In case you didn't know, the 2012 election is not the first time in Congressional election history where the party with the plurality of votes did not gain the majority; the reality is that is has happened several times with the last time being in 1996.

What also really surprises me is that if you look at all the evidence and make a concerted effort to learn how the recent redistricting worked, how the apportionment methodology is applied, and keep an open mind about the fact that as a result of the past 8 years of a bad economy that people have moved from one State to another, there is no evidence of nefarious activity by any party and the reason the Republicans maintain control of the House is objectively possible. But, like most progressives when they don't get their way, you claim gerrymandering and conspiracy by republicans and then propose stupid ideas that the House is not representative of the voting population and then double down on stupid proposing abandoning our representative republic for a Parliament.